Dear hosts, we are eSIM company. We would like collaboration...
Dear hosts, we are eSIM company. We would like collaboration with your property .if you can provide eSIM for your guests it w...
I have been messaging guest through Airbnb rather than their personal phones. A few times now guest don't seem to see any of those messages. The day they are supposed to check in they are messaging me asking how to get in, what time they can check in etc. When I've already sent them all that information a week before their stay. Each time this happens I've had to message their cell phones or call them.
Does this happen to any other hosts?
Yes. When I notice no responses from the guest, I remind them (thru ABB messaging) that I don't see their responses unless they use the app or website (not texting) for messaging. Then they tell me they never saw my messages until they open the app.
Hi @Jennifer1961 🙂
I write on my listing that I recommend to download the app and to turn on notifications as it makes communication so much easier. I still sometimes got guests not responding. Then I write a short text via the phone number and an email using the airbnb made guest email telling the guest to please respond asap to my messages in the airbnb feed. If I don't hear anything within 24 hours I contact airbnb so they can contact the guest - it always works :-).
But it is so annoying 🙂
Thanks, I'll add that to my information too, but it is a pain. Maybe I'll also write..."please respond back to confirm you received this message."
I’ve had a spate of poor communicators the last few months.
I had a guest check in today that I had to resort to calling on his mobile. Newbie with no feedback - so I said I’d meet him at the house to check him in.
Nice enough chap but just doesn’t communicate. Despite me messaging twice asking if he was taking a dog (6 day stay with his family) it was only when I called him he confirmed he was and had no clue he was supposed to tell me and knew nothing of the £10 per night per fee.
Three times I asked him to take a moment to read the house manual and info prior to arrival to make sure he was happy with everything especially the no guests or overnight visitors etc (family in the area). I knew I was fighting a losing battle tonight when I saw another car in the drive - I’ve given up and now just rolling my eyes.
Sounds like one I just had. Another newbie who clearly didn't read the manual. He kept texting asking questions I'd answered in it. I figured at least he wanted to follow the rules which I do appreciate! Hopefully the next time he uses Airbnb he will know.
@Sandra856 @Larry339 @Jennifer1961
My recent guests, I sent the check-in details, heared nothing back. Contacted through private e-mail repeating my message and to confirm receipt. Reply: Oh, I did not know we were supposed to respond ! Guests do not always understand that communication is essential to successful stay.
@Jennifer1961, it's not that your messages aren't being sent, it's that guests aren't seeing or reading them. It happens all the time. @Sandra856 good idea to advise guests to download the app. I just had to decline a newbie for completely falling to respond to my questions, despite four messages to them over the 24 hours (I was particularly concerned because they were from China and I wanted to know how long they'd been in Australia - the incubation period for coronavirus has now been increased to 4 weeks). After declining, only then did they message back asking why I had declined! Grrrrr.... They're actually here now and, unsurprisingly, super annoying. Haven't read anything. Arrived three and a half hours after check in time (by which time I was out), asked to use facilities not on offer, parked so badly there was literally nowhere for me to park when I got home....sigh....1 night down, 3 to go...
Yes, this has happening to us as well. It always seems to be the ones that have no reviews. This is another reason why I get concerned about approving guest with no reviews. A lot of hand-holding. I really like the idea of telling them up front after their booking to download the app and turn on notifications. Great idea!