Guests getting confused between Public review and Private note

Level 1
Sukha, India

Guests getting confused between Public review and Private note

Hello Airbnb Community!

So the airbnb update consolidates all review options in a single page, I think this has lead too a confusion. The guests are writing the main review in the private note field. The public reviews now has less words compared to private notes. 
My guests love their stay at my Airbnb but all the good things they say are written in the Private field. 😔

Does anyone else has this issue recently?

1 Reply 1
Level 10
London, United Kingdom



I haven't personally experienced this, but another host posted about it the other day. He/she thought the guest had made a mistake, but it was as you described, i.e. the review was clearly a private message meant for the host and the private feedback was written as a description for future guests.