HOA in Scottsdale attempting to prohibit short term rentals

Level 2
Kailua Kona, HI

HOA in Scottsdale attempting to prohibit short term rentals

Is there any help that Airbnb can provide, possibly by speaking to the HOA board to help convince them that Airbnb tenants can be safe tenants and not be a noise nuisance. There are a couple of board members that are adamant about stopping Airbnbs in this community of 80 townhouse units.  Also if you know of any Real estate attorneys in the area I would be interested in speaking to them as well.
Thank you,


2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hello @Monica325 


Have there been any incidents to date with STR guests that would have caused residents any concerns?


Airbnb won't send staff to HOA meetings. But there is no reason you and other STR owners can't attend and state your case and talk about the measures you have all put in place such as CCTV and quiet time rules to minimise the impact of your guests. You can also talk about how you vet your guests to minimise the risk of inappropriate visitors and agree check in times so guests are not checking in and out in the early hours.


You or one of the host owners could also join the board so you have more influence.

Level 2
Kailua Kona, HI

Thank you and I am on the CC&Rs revision committee, but not on the board.  A short while ago Airbnb was offering ago free party detection devices for rental units.  Is it possible to get one of these, so I could bring it to the committee meeting.?