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Its that time of year! Share your tales!
Have you ever stayed in a haunted Airbnb? Has a guest told you yours was haunted?
Any spooky experiences?
I see a house (remainings) probably after check-out from Airbnb guests who ignored the house rules regarding "No (haloween) parties allowed". But at least now well ventilated regarding COVID !
@Emiel1 nice! Lots of really fun things there.
We have our own cottage blocked off and will be carving pumpkins. We try to take "party" holidays ourselves to limit the temptation for guests.
I actually have a story if no one else does.
I stayed in an Airbnb that was an old farmhouse. It was on a secluded road and we were there in October-- there was a chill in the air and the evenings had that quiet, early dark that makes them just a little extra spooky. We arrived around 9 pm. The host left the lights on inside so it looked inviting and was easy to spot as we arrived with our dog in tow.
As soon as we got in the door, I thought "oh, the lights are on because there is someone still here. " It was that sort of feeling. I thought it might be a cleaner or someone working late. My husband actually called out "Hello? Anyone here?" before I even said anything so I knew he felt the same way. The dog, who is a great traveler normally, was super cautious, hanging back. We explored the house and it was clear there was no one there but we both (and I would venture to say the dog as well) felt as though there were.
After watching some movies, we settled in. I picked one bedroom but then changed my mind as it was really really cold. We set up the dog's little bed in the corner but we had a hard time getting him to lie down. He was anxious-- kept wanting to go outside and sniff around the house, but only if we went with him. Odd. Finally we all went to sleep.
About 2:30 or 3am, I wake up to a light going on in the closet. The light was a pull string, so I was very confused. The dog is going NUTS and barking/cornering something under the bed. I think "UGH! Is there a rat or something that pulled the chain and ran under the bed?" but there is nothing. The dog won't let up. We get out our phones and crawl under the bed. Nada. We look all over the house. Nothing. Eventually we fall back asleep but the dog keeps growling softly from time to time which is not like him.
The next morning we discuss everything and my husband says "I thought I saw you in the closet when the light went on, but then realized you were asleep next to me." That's when all the hair stood up on the back of my neck. I contacted the host and (hesitantly) asked if they had heard anything like this from other guests. The host totally denied it and I felt like a weirdo for asking but something was up for sure.
So I just started talking out loud to what I felt was a lady ghost. I am not a believer per se, but this whole thing was just too bizarre to ignore. I said how much we liked her house, and we were happy to stay there. Please, don't scare my dog and please don't wake us up if you can help it. We would be leaving the next day and we appreciated that she had such a beautiful home. (My skeptic husband heard me and said "Oh, are you talking to the ghost? I think you should. I am freaked out and the dog won't leave my side.")
After that, it was like the energy in the house was less...oppressive? We still felt like someone was there with us, but it was somehow easier. The dog was back to his old self and went running around in the yard. He stopped velcroing to us. At no time did we feel threatened in this place, but it was very clear that there was something there with us.
I did not mention the experience in the review. I think the host was probably nonplussed that I asked her about anything off kilter in the first place. We own an old house too, and I would think a guest was trying to get a freebie if they said we had a ghost. So to this day, I don't know if it was just us. I would love to stay again and see if we have the same experience.
"That time of year"? - Not in (mainland) Europe, according to @Emiel1 ! 🙂
- At not chez moi, either! 😞
Bumping this again this year. If you celebrate Halloween and have a spooky tale, please feel free to contribute!
@Laura2592 That. Is. Creepy. As. Hell. I might have gone to a hotel if my partner saw the image of a person standing in the closet.
In answer to the post, interestingly, we recently had a guest who asked us if anyone had ever reported anything 'odd/supernatural' [answer: no], she said she thought the doors were closing on their own. I did remember that a few years ago some ladies were staying and they also asked [jokingly] if the house was haunted or language to that effect but they didn't mention having had any weird experiences. Neither of us have ever noticed anything here, but the cats do sometimes stare at space where there appear to be no bugs, no dust particles floating nor anything else to stare at.
Growing up my best friend in H.S. lived in a haunted house...lights would go on an off, items would move from room to room, but strangely, this didn't seem to scare anyone and nothing bad ever happened. I never got any weird vibes in their house either.
@Mark116 we have gotten guests asking if we are haunted prior to stays. I've not felt anything. As a school we are probably more prone to frustration about bullies or multiplication tables rather than unquiet true crime type spirit activity .
But I did almost buy this church. Definitely felt something there. My husband said absolutely not. Here are pics from our tour. Judge for yourself 🎃
@Laura2592 @Mark116 @Emiel1 @Helen350
I stayed at the Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs for a “Murder Mystery Weekend” several years ago.
It was fun but we didn’t see any ghosts.
It used to be one of those quack “clinics” popular around the end of the 19th century and I’m sure they killed a lot of patients there.
One of their specialties was transplanting goat testicles into elderly men who were experiencing virility issues.
They kept a herd of goats, you could pick out a real horny one for yourself, and…well, obviously, that was unlikely to be anything other than a death sentence, so after a few embarrassing failures the “doctor” refined his technique.
He discovered that, rather than actually attempting an animal-human organ transplant, he could convince the patient that this procedure was done, if he made a large incision in the appropriate place and immediately sewed it up again with grimy tools.
This resulted in a noticeable swelling and, after healing, the placebo effect often resulted in an increased libido.
Or so the survivors claimed. The ones who died may still be hanging around the clinic looking for their lost jujubes.
@Brian2036 oh my....the things we learn about history!
There is a Maryland cryptid called the Goat Man who is supposedly a creation of a government lab experiment gone wrong but this puts a whole different sort of spin on that legend!
Occasionally we get asked if our places has "guests". My answer is that your part of the cottage, no but our part (which is oldest part), hmmm, possibly !
My daughters swear that our guest bedroom has a full time guest, they are not that happy to sleep in there and when one did, she swears she got woken up in the night by the feeling of someone getting onto the bed and lying down next to her ! Personally I would have spent the rest of the night on the settee !
I have lived in a house where shadows passed by doors and no one was there. Or the dog would just stare into the corner, but wag his tail, not bark. It wasn't until my friends young daughter (who had autism) went into the bathroom and started talking to someone who we couldn't see, I started to get a bit freaked. When questioned she said she was talking to the man in the bath. We knew the previous owners and quietly asked a few questions about the layout of the house beforehand, while not mentioning the man in the bath situation and it turned out that the bathroom used to be the bedroom of her uncle who died in WW1. His bed was where the bath was now. I must admit I never really relaxed in that bath again ! He was called Will and whenever we saw or felt anything again, we just said Hi to Will and carried on.
My current guests asked me this morning if I had a ghost upstairs. They turned off all the lights and went to bed. At 1:00 in the morning the husband woke up to find all the lights were on. They are certain that it must be paranormal. I've had my bnb for 4 years and no one has ever had something like this happen.
They were shook up.