Have not received any guest reviews in over a month - Has something changed? Is there a glitch?

Level 10
Fredericksburg, VA

Have not received any guest reviews in over a month - Has something changed? Is there a glitch?

I've been doing this AirBNB thing for 3 years now. And in those 3 years, I've only had 2 or 3 guests not leave me a review. 

I have not been reviewed by any of my guests since mid September. Now granted, I'm not a super high volume ABB, but my last 5 guests have not left reviews.

I've also noticed that since mid-September, I am not receiving any notification on my phone to review my guests. BUT, when I log on to the app, it will tell me I need to write a review. Even if I've already reviewed my guest.  This doesn't happen on my computer; only the app on my phone. It has the most current version of the app, too.

Anyone else experiencing this?

5 Replies 5
Level 10
New York, NY

@Stephanie365  No, I've gotten all the reviews, although I haven't gotten notifications of the last two reservations.


Have you considered writing a review of the guest first?  Plenty of guests don't leave reviews, but their curiosity gets the better of them when they're told they've gotten a review, but they can't see it until they write one, too.

Level 10
Frederick, MD

@Stephanie365 I have gotten review reminders and reviews, but I am missing the link on the app to leave a review. I have to go to my laptop to write it or go into email on my phone to access this. There may be a glitch of some sort. 


I have had fewer reviews lately as well. I don't know why. A couple of the guests seemed technology challenged, and a few seemed to be meeting for a clandestine romantic encounter and they never review 🙂

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

I read somewhere recently o the forum that Airbnb keeps adding things to the guest review form and that it's now 13 pages! I wouldn't be surprised that guests don't want to bother.

I was a guest recently and the review process is loooooooong.... I think I took 31 screen shots (I could have skipped some of those pages, but still)

Level 10
Fredericksburg, VA

Ugh, thanks for the feedback. I'd heard the review process was tedious, but didn't realize HOW tedious. Once again, AirBNB shooting us hosts in the foot. Nothing like penalizing US for something a guest doesn't want to do.