Declined requests but still in my dashboard

Declined requests but still in my dashboard

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Can someone help me. I've denied these 2 requests already but it still shows here. i tried multiple times to no avail

6 Replies 6
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Anna-Karenina0  First of all, those aren't requests, they are inquiries. You never have to decline an Inquiry, and you shouldn't because it lowers your acceptance rate and Airbnb will send you warnings of suspension for too many declines. Just answering the guest within 24 hours, as you did, is all that's required for an Inquiry. If it's a booking request, then you do have to either accept or decline within 24 hours.


Have you tried clearing your cache? That usually makes those dashboard notices disappear if it's been over 24 hours since the inquiry was sent.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Anna-Karenina0 When we answer an enquiry it just sits there until they or someone else books the apartment or the dates become impossible to fill. Its irritating but best ignored. I would've thought that if the dates are blocked in your calendar then these inquiries either wouldn't come in or will disappear as they are not possible.

Level 10
Copenhagen, Denmark

Hi @Anna-Karenina0 🙂

As already mentioned when you get an inquiry all you have to do is answer /write a reply. If you then afterwards press the green link "dismiss from dashboard" the inquiry will disappear from your dashboard. 

Level 10
New York, NY

@Anna-Karenina0 @Sandra856 @Mike-And-Jane0 @Sarah977   The new dashboard no longer gives you the option to dismiss an inquiry.  It will sit there until the dates are booked or the dates pass.


Right now I also have review reminders sitting on my dashboard with no way to dismiss them.  I had to have Airbnb cancel a few brief reservations because the well ran dry, but the reminders to leave a review for the guests are apparently going to sit there for 14 days.  Irritating to be constantly nannied like this.

@Ann72 Alright, I haven't hosted since the lockdown in Europe in March so I haven't tried the new layout. Idiotic that it isn't possible to remove it :-\. 

@Sandra856  Agreed!