Have we entered a ‘police’ state!

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Have we entered a ‘police’ state!

So disturbed & outraged that Airbnb have excluded my dear friend  @susan17 from this community!


Susan is a real. Susan was here from the beginning. She is a SuperHost with most amazing reviews. Reviews of the kind  we only could dream of. Guests all rave about her hospitality. She will arrange a taxi to go buy ANY THING YOU WANT. Guests on a weekend away, want her kind of hosting. 

Susan is my friend. When my apartment was trashed by a party crowd and they threatened to kill me. They caused £12,000 damage. Yes I involved the police. But Susan reached out EVERY DAY to ensure I was ok! She is most amazing asset to this community! She cares about people! She cares even more about hosts! 


I am disgusted that Susan has been excluded. This CC is turning into a police state.


No! Hosts need an outlet to express their frustration. Who are you admins to state a post is ‘negative’!


How dare you exclude a host who supported so many of us!!! Outraged! Absolutely disgusting you could turn against one of the most supportive hosts out there ! Total disgust that you hung @Susan17  out to dry!!! 



Top Answer
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello everyone,


I wanted to come back to you on our decision to restrict Susan's access to the Community Centre.


As mentioned in several topics elsewhere, the decision was the result of repeated breaches of the Community and Content Guidelines over the last 12 months.


We have been working and talking with Susan for a long time now both publicly and privately to resolve this, however it could no longer continue. Being completely honest with you, this was a really hard decision to make, one we really hoped it wouldn't come to.  


We have enjoyed many conversations with Susan over the past few years and she is a very knowledgeable host, but, the way we act here has to benefit the overall health of the community we are all part of and unfortunately her contributions were no longer constructive. 


I'm pleased to say that it's a very rare thing to happen in the CC, and as you can imagine it's certainly not nice for us Community Managers either. 


This is everything I have to say on this, so I do hope it is helpful. Please feel free to contact me via CC DM or any of the Community Managers here. 





P.S - I hope you don't mind @David6 I've moved this discussion to the Help Board in the CC–all comments remain. 



Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.

158 Replies 158

Hello Guys Im not often here so I wouldn't have known Susan very well.

However I dislike what happened and given my natural inclination to resist and show that members of a true community should have a voice - a good way to keep the discussion highlighted is to proceed with the following -


1.  Start a campaign.  It doesn't haven't to be negative or overly harsh.  Try a positive spin.  Give the campaign a name.  I recommend -------  'I am Spartacus'

2.  Everybody who supports the campaign should include 'I am Spartacus' in their CC signature along with a simple explanation such as 'Reinstate Susan - We miss our friend'

3.  Include a CC link in your signature of this thread or one of the other threads discussing this problem.

4.  Include in signature - call to action - request supporters to copy the same signature into there signatures.

Airbnb are Snakes.
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

I was afraid this day will come and it did : (  Susan17  this forum will not be the same without you and we will miss you. 

I don't know what your profession is but I am sure you could make a fortune with your investigation skills : )




I find it remarkable that You, after having gone through an earthquake in Zagreb and Your rental property and Your privat property being damaged, still find the passion to care about our good friend @Susan17  . Thank You for that.



Level 10

**[Inappropriate content hidden]

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Hey, Ute I have always respected and loved what you have written starting way back with the Guantanamo 'waterboarding' post.....that was a simply brilliant way of describing hosts rankings. 


But Ute, sorry, this one is a touch tasteless and frankly a bit offensive and not something I would have expected from you.


If I saw you being victimised Ute, for something that was beyond your scope of influence I would defend you to the best of my ability, just as I have the moderators here, and I would do the same for any of the long term contributors here who I have got to know. 


Lizzie did spend an evening here on that 'get to know you' trip that you mentioned, just as she did with other major forum contributors around the world  at that time. 


Please Ute, lets not get too personal here, Ade would be horrified to see other contributors speaking of our 50 year relationship that way, even in jest! And I am sure Lizzie would feel the same. 


Lets not get too sleazy here, lets keep things professional.....hey! 





You were asking for it. To be honest, I didn't like Your over the top and counterproductive praise of the moderators in this and the other thread.


And what's the use of posting a 2 squaremeter size picture of Lizzie in a thread about @Susan17 ?


This is off topic, to say the least.




@Ute42  That really was tasteless. Perhaps I just don't get your humor? But I don't think it's funny to joke about a devoted husband lusting after a CC mod simply because he praises them.


I recently responded to two private messages from separate people and included this phrase in both, "I absolutely adore Stephanie and Lizzie so I look forward to your contributions...."


Had that been public would you have inferred I was some lesbian who was hot for the mods??? A juvenile accusation and simply not cool.






@Robin4   and I have been joking back and forth for quite a while and some of our jokes were a little tough. I liked his sense o humor and I think he liked mine. It all started in 2018. We were exchanging a couple of private messages, I told him about my life and he told me about his. So I am fully aware of his relationship with Ade and how close they are.


3 days ago Robin published a post in which he praised all of the moderators over the top and he published a huge picture of Lizzie. I though it was unappropriate to post a huge picture of the messanger of real bad news to Susan in a „we've lost Susan thread“. And I wrote this to him:


2020-05-10 Criticizing Robin.jpg



As You can see, 10 people agreed with me. As Robin didn't reply to my post I thought he might feel a little let down and as I generally like him I though I should do something to ease the situation and cheer him up.


So I came up with a completely made up story of him and Lizzie, It was nothing but a joke, but it didn't work. Maybe I got him in a bad mood.


Robin has the best wife in the world and he is 75 years old, Lizzie may be 25. How can anyone believe that I am suggesting there might have been „something“ that night that never happened?


And as far as Your remark about inference and „some lesbian“ is concerned, here's one for You:


As far as Susan goes, I miss her and I love her.



@Ute42  Thank you for clarifying. I was hoping something was lost in translation! I understand now, no hard feelings!

Level 10
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil



You say to @Ute42

wowww lets get things professional !????


Why the hell you Robin stalked me, was nosing around my profile and then saying nonsenses about my life and about me as a host?


Yes Gentleman... lets not get too sleazy here!


CC @Lizzie - I believe you know what I mean!



Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Hey José what are you saying here? 

About a month ago I checked your profile trying to find out how to address you and we had some conversation here about that at the time. I have not mentioned you anything about you in any other context though....are you sure it's me you are talking about? 

@Lizzie  can you shed any light on this?


I did want to send you a DM last week because I wanted to find out how you were standing up with all the COVID cases in Brazil at the moment but it appears at the moment we cannot initiate a message from the DM section. I spoke with @Stephanie  about this and she directed me to the red box with the pencil icon to start a new message but I am afraid there is no link to that box it doesn't do anything.

I am intrigued to find out what I might have said or done!



Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

I'll venture a guess that since Susan's post with some nasty words violated the rules of the forum, either some uber-sensitive person(s) who was offended by it flagged it as profane (which might explain why that post stayed up for a month before she was taken to task for it) and that was a convenient reason to ban her for other reasons. 


..which might explain why that post stayed up for a month before she was taken to task for it


I believe it was edited at the time removing the profanity immediately (which remains here on this thread, still). So, moderation applied.


In fact, publicity for it has been far raised about its existence due to recent actions and many, including me, never even knew of its existence!


Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Absolutely. There are some hugely judgemental & spiteful hosts on here. Most of those complaining joined recently. The one you flagged y/day was not even a host. Could be an insider for all we know. If Airbnb told me it was raining In my area, I’d go to window and check. That’s how little I trust them.  I’d put nothing past them. 

Level 10
Munnsville, NY

Unfortunately, @everybody,  it seems like bad will turn to worse as often happens in chat boards around the WWW when beloved legacy members get banned.   If I've seen it once, I've seen it 5 times on sites I once loved to chat and share on and it never turns out pretty.   One thing different from the others , this is business mixed with pleasure not just chatter.  When it comes to income generation, its best not to get super reactive or cavalier about anything that doesn't take food off our table so I find it best to try not to p00 where I eat!  


The good ol' times are gone (for now) and Airbnb Hosts need to connect now more than ever before for the sake of our sanity and businesses.  I beg of all here new & old at both living and hosting to "Check yourself before you wreck yourself" as a famous poet once said (Ok, it was a foul mouthed rapper).  There will be absolutely nothing good gained from anyone here deciding to leave, verbally smack each other, offend moderators or get booted.   My 2 cents for what thats worth, stay well, JR