Hello 2021!

Level 10
Darwin, Australia

Hello 2021!

To friends and those I do not know, may I send all the best of life’s positives for 2021. Although few of us wish to repeat the horrible of 2020, it has had some positives. We should stay focussed on the important things in life as we enter this new and long awaited change of year. Please all stay safe and vigilant, as Covid19 isn’t going anywhere ..... YET!!
Know also, you are important in the world ......... 16BFC91D-40BC-45DF-95DA-253A64630B00.jpeg

@Lizzie@Quincy , @Liv , @Katie@Nick , @Stephanie  @Catherine-Powell 

@Paul1255 @Roberta2 @Suzanne302 @Laura2592 @Gordon0 @Inna22 @Kevin1322 @Solveig0 @Susan151 @Bronwyn38 @Heather133 @Lawrene0 @Matt26 @Linda-And-Richard0 @Helen427 @Deborah82 @Debi1 @Alexandra316 @Ute42 @Stan-and-Jan0 @Nutth0 @Clara116 @Ann72 @Laura2484 @Wende2 @Jim-and-Marcia0 @Miloud0 @Jody79 @Emily352 @Yadira22  @Yuan100 @Jessica-and-Henry0  @Jody130 @Robin4 @Βασίλης-and-Ann0 @J-Renato0 @Christine615 @Christine1 @Huma0 @Fred13 @Sarah977 , @Debra300  @Kelly149 @Lisa723  @Melodie-And-John0 @Helen3 @Helen350 @Ria16 @Branka-and-Silvia0 , @Mike-And-Helen0 

et all........

41 Replies 41
Level 10

@Cathie19 Happy New Year to you and your family too! Looking  forward to a bright 2021! Take care there !

Thanks @Yuan100  to you and yours and keep well ... and warm! Lol...

Level 10
Church Creek, MD

Happy New Year to all of you.!!  Here in the states I'm looking forward to the next 4 yrs, hoping we get some sense of unity back.  I have no idea what Kia kaha means, but I'm sure it's a most positive saying. 


Here's to a 2021 that finds it's way to being the best year, after the worst.  A gardener I watch on YouTube said it best the other day, "This is the first year that's been the slowest and the fastest I've ever lived thru", yep, I know just how she feels.  There isn't much to look back on that was worth looking at again, except for the nice people I meet who chose to book my little apt.  I appreciate each and every one of them. 


I hope your first day of the coming year is a Fabulous day that carries thru to each day after.!

@Wende2 , I think the year has travelled at many paces as well..... I only wish 2021 to be a safer, more positive, humane year.


“Kia Kaha”: as I’m an Aussie, not a Kiwi - I will show a Wikipedia definition for you: and yes, it is a positive!


Kia kaha is a Māori phrase used by the people of New Zealand as an affirmation, meaning stay strong. The phrase has significant meaning for Māori: popularised through its usage by the 28th Māori Battalion during World War II, it is found in titles of books and songs, as well as a motto.



Kia kaha during the 2020 ANZAC Day, which fell into the coronavirus pandemic in New Zealand

Linguistically, kia kaha consists of the desiderative verbal particle kia, used here as 'an encouragement to achieve the state named',[1] that is, to achieve kaha or strength. Kahaderives from Proto-Polynesian *kafa, meaning "strong" or "great"; *kafa is also the Proto-Polynesian term for sennit rope, a strong rope made from coconut fibres and used for lashing canoes, weapons, and buildings together.


The phrase is used in several different contexts. It is a term of comfort or solace (an equivalent of be strong – my thoughts are with you), or (less often) it can serve a similar function to 'kia ora' – an interjection during a speech to indicate support or approval (similar to hear! hear!). It is sometimes seen used as a valediction at the bottom of messages.



@Cathie19   Thanks for sharing, I knew it had to be a good thing.  Love the photo of the driveway as well.!

Level 10
Kingston, Jamaica

Happy New Year 💥💥 .@Cathie19 and everyone!  Let's embrace 2021 with courage, gratefulness and faith. May it be a better year for all.


Thanks @Flavia202, your sentiments for 2021 are good ones! 💐

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Happy New Year everyone! 



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Happy New Year @Quincy. Please stay safe! 

Never too late to the party @Nick, especially when you bring  warm wishes!  🥂👏🏼👏🏼

Level 10
Kingston, Jamaica

Thanks, Nick! Same to you.