As a graphic designer, I believe that design is a powerful t...
As a graphic designer, I believe that design is a powerful tool for communication and storytelling. With a lot's of experienc...
Would someone please provide information on how to contact the safety team.
thank you in advance!
@Louis1783 You cannot directly contact any team, you have to go through customer service. If you call, they will just tell you they will pass it along and you'll never get a call back.
I have had luck by using the messaging option, and starting the message with "Trust and Safety Issue" (or Tech issue, whatever dept you need to talk to). And then very briefly and concisely stating the issue. Don't bother going into detail with the CS rep.
When I have done this in the past, I do get a mesage back from someone in the appropriate dept.
But CS has fallen off a cliff lately, so YMMV.
Hi @Louis1783,
Do contact “Airbnb Support Help center” in the help page, a “Live Chat “ to the team [ not an Airbnb bot], Acknowledge the team your concern, it's always someone in here to respond you within in few minutes or they will contact you in short whilel
I Ihope you can resolve the issue,
Airbnb Support team will be happy to assist you.
Hallo, mein Vater ist aus Hamburg, ich spreche nicht fließend, aber ich kann kommunizieren.
Danke für den Link. Ich bin mit den Informationen sehr vertraut; Bevor ich meine Immobilien auflistete, habe ich sehr gut über Airbnb recherchiert und bin schnell ein großartiger Gastgeber geworden, weil ich ein Teamplayer bin. Ich folge Regeln.
Der Gast kam vor ein paar Tagen nach 1 Uhr morgens an und war sehr aggressiv und respektlos. Zeigefinger in meinem Gesicht und laut in der Öffentlichkeit schreien. Ich habe nie zurückgeschrien. Er sagte, er fühle sich unwohl und ich stimmte zu, dass ich mich auch unwohl fühlen würde. Ich habe ihn sofort gemeldet. Der Repräsentant berechnete ihm 50 USD plus Reinigungsgebühr und der Repräsentant löste das Problem. Vertreter sagte, mein Kalender sei ohne Probleme geöffnet.
Samstagabend schaue ich auf den Kalender und wurde gesperrt / suspendiert. Ich habe am Sonntag erneut mit dem ursprünglichen Vertreter gesprochen und er sagte, er habe keine Probleme gesehen. Es eskalierte, um meinen Kalender zu reparieren, und niemand hat mich aus Sicherheitsgründen jemals kontaktiert
I have camera video footage as evidence of event .
Footage also shows his body language, shows him finger pointing at me and He was also not wearing a mask, I was wearing a mask.
he arrived many hours past checkin , he claimed the gate was lock and video shows it was not locked.
Reporting rep resolved and did not penalize me. Then system penalizes me following day, I never get informed of change. I have not received any info as why my calendar is blocked. I call and text to get update, and was told safety team will contact me. When ?
please understand that I’m running a business and my revenue is affected.
Hi @Louis1783,
So sorry to hear about your experience, and I understand you’re feeling frustrated.
I still can see your listings in your profile.
I believe that Airbnb is investigating your listings due to the incidents.
Do “live chat” with the support team, request the couple acknowledges the case manager who’s blocking your listing calendar to update you on the investigation or to contact you urgently.
Meanwhile, always keep your phone beside you and often check your email. You could contact and chat with the team regularly to remind your concern.