Hold Harmless Agreement

Level 2
New Albany, PA

Hold Harmless Agreement

Hi Everyone -

I'm seeking some advice on a Hold Harmless Agreement I'd like to attach to my house rules section.  We have hiking, a pond, and events on our property.  Do I have the primary renter sign, and note that primary renter is signing on behalf of all guests, attendees, etc?

Thanks in advance, for any advice.

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Swannanoa, NC

@Valerie1059  Having the primary renter sign is probably adequate in most states and under most circumstances.  However, I would check with an attorney or with your insurance company as to the language that has to be included to indemnify you from the claims of the guest and HIS guests.

Level 10
Swansea, United Kingdom

@Valerie1059  I'd not previously known about a "Hold Harmless Agreement" so have learned a lot already!

To be perfectly honest I would have thought that what @Lorna170  had commented, makes a lot of sense (ie re checking with an attorney or your insurance company), although I would have thought that for any agreement to be as as watertight as possible, the agreement would have to be signed by all parties?


Whilst in essence having the primary renter signing on behalf of all guests, attendees, etc should be sufficient, one also has to (imho) consider the individual(s) who might feel/believe that by the primary renter having taken away the rights of the individual, his/her rights have been denied to them.


Therefore to be on the safe side (of the law), it's always best to have guidance and advice from those who practice it.

Level 10
New York, NY

When people hold events on your property, @Valerie1059, do you ask them to obtain event insurance?  It only costs about $50 and might be a good option or alternative protection.

Level 2
Fruita, CO

A waiver of liability would need to be signed by anyone over 18.  It is a very good idea to get an added umbrella policy on top of your property liability policy just to be safe .

Level 2
Worcester, MA

You really need to speak with a lawyer.  The idea that the primary renter signs on behalf of anyone else is ridiculous.  Think about it.  Someone falls, dies. Is their estate bound by what someone else agreed to? No way.