Hi my name is Nirmal. Anyone interested in saleing esim?
Hi my name is Nirmal. Anyone interested in saleing esim?
Hi Airbnbers...My name is Lin and I'm an airbnb host from Penzance in England. Would normally be starting to host about now but have blocked the next few weeks to see how the wind blows re the virus outbreak in China. We usually have many guests from this country come stay but my partner suffers from post viral asthma and we are in our sixties so we are worried.
How are hosts dealing with this concern?
With best wishes to you all out there; stay well!
Airbnb have still not updated their advice re cancellations in extenuation circumstances to encompas the 10 Asian countries the UK government is suggesting we monitor guests who have travelled through in the past 14 days before their stay. I feel this is disrespectful to hosts. When you click their link it just takes you to the government pages giving advice to travellers to the UK - which is completely irrelevant for Airbnb hosts. Like you I have blocked off the next month. I have guests arriving on Friday and today I have asked Airbnb to ask them if they have come through the 10 at risk countries on my behalf. This should not be the responsibility of individual hosts. They develop clever alogrithms for silly little things - yet they are ignoring this. What if my guest have been through one of the ten at risk countries? What am I expected to do then?? Absolute no advice whatsoever. Just block your calendar for at least a month. I feel very unsupported by Airbnb. I know they are generally in favour of the guest which is irritating - but this is placing us in potential danger which is unforgivable. Good luck. xxx
Hi there,
I am a super host from London. I have opened my doors to people from all around world for last 5-6 years.
approx a week ago I cancelled a reservation from South Korea, I was so scared of the latest corona virus out break and I still am very scared. I checked with airbnb before the cancellation, I phoned to ask advice and raised my concerns and reason for my cancellation. I had a go ahead to cancel. Few hours later I had this random email from Airbnb agent almost calling me a racist! I realised I have other bookings from South Korea, China, Hon kong and Malaysia, what shall I do?
Did you cancel under Airbnb's extenuating circumstances policy for the Corona virus @Elvan5
What do you mean by saying the Airbnb agent 'almost calling me a racist'.?
I would suggest you read up on the Airbnb policy I mentioned above to see if you can cancel under this policy.
Don't forget the virus isn't just in those countries it's in the US, Canada, Australia, UK etc too.
@Helen3 I cancelled under Airbnb's extenuating circumstances. I phoned their help line and staff members at Airbnb advised me that I could cancel penalty free, under the extenuating circumstances policy. However an Airbnb agent sent me an email a day after the cancellation writing me that I was discriminating against the guest on basis of their nationality and country. The guest's country is on top 10 in the list that got affected by this virus outbreak. I know every single day this list is even getting longer, and I will take an action again if I have to. I do check UK Government's information updates everyday. It is a difficult situation.
I am still shock with Airbnb's attitude towards hosts! I have said nothing rude or offensive, did everything by the book but still got blamed by discrimination without any ground. I phone Airbnb everyday to complain about that case manager but do not get anywhere. No apology, nothing.
I came to a conclusion that Airbnb only cares about getting money from my reservations (that I get because of my outstanding hospitality and efforts) rather than listening my health and safety concerns as a super host. I am renting 2 rooms in my house in London where I live with my family (with my husband and 13 year old daughter). I am definitely at risk and I am really really worried. because of a cancellation I have received a very disrespectful email from Airbnb blaming me with discrimination! has anyone experienced this with Airbnb recently?
I am a host in Australia, should I be asking guests if they have traveled overseas recently or been in contact with anyone that has, before I except a booking?
What good would that do @Michelle1780?
They won't necessarily respond or tell you the truth.
The virus has now spread to countries including Australia, US, Canada, UK and France so you would have to vet guests from many countries including your own.
Do read up on the advice on WHO website and your government's health service.
Hi @Lin0
England? Get a grip! Cornwall. 😉
We are just up the road in Pendeen, I work in PZ.
I'm sure every host shares this concern.
I understand shortly (if not by now) UK Govt will announce the risk status of n-Coronovirus which will justify cancelling certain guests.
It isn't racist, and it certainly isn't worth risking your health or life for political correctness.
We are all grown ups, and manage risks every day.
I'm guessing n-coronavirus will be with us for months, rather than weeks.
My gut feeling is to play it by ear and not cancel until nearer the check in, as things can change.
Hope this is some help.
I have just had guests leave from China after an 18-day stay and all is well. However, everyone makes their own decisions.
However, I suggest checking the facts in your own country to put things into perspective. In Canada, 2,000 people die in car accidents each year but I still drive every day. The seasonal flu kills 3,500 Canadian each year but I go out in public, shake people's hands and don't wear a face mask.
In Canada we have 7 reported Coronavirus confirmed cases to date and no deaths. So based on those facts what should be my biggest fear? We are told to wash your hands, do not touch your face and wipe down and sanitize surfaces and your risk is low from any virus.
All the best and do what feels right for you.
The horse may already have left the stable in UK and elsewhere. @Larry339 , I think this is a more serious issue than driving or flu.
The population of China is 1.435 billion. There have been just over 1000 deaths from it in China to date, something over 42,000 diagnosed cases. A small percentage of those who have contracted it have died. It's not some automatic killer- most people who contract it have had only mild symptoms.
It's hard for people to wrap their minds around huge numbers like billions, but it's somewhat like having one poisonous grain of sand in a 5 gallon bucket full of sand.
Certainly everyone should take precautions, but like @Larry339 said, we are exposed to all manner of viruses all the time, some of which, like the annual flu, takes a fairly large death toll. Perspective, folks.