Hi, my name is Kelsey, and I'm a new host of three units (o...
Hi, my name is Kelsey, and I'm a new host of three units (on the same grounds) in Tucson, Arizona. Although I live in Los An...
I have a host telling me they are taking legal action because my “untruthful and negative review has impacted her income. Her team will be collecting financial damages and hardships if I remove the comment she will consider less aggressive options with her attorney” she is also threatening me over having “extra guests” because she “has a video of me arriving with a third guest” but we were there for a Wedding and our friend who was staying near would pick us up and drop us off, I explained this to her and she ignored it. I just honestly confused as to what to expect and how to show I am not guilty of these accusations. Also willing to share my review to show it was not bad and it was truthful.
@Tori1802 Is this Shannon? (anyone here can see each other's reviews by clicking on the profile photo) If so, there is nothing about the review you left which is against Airbnb policy or was it what I would consider a "bad" review- it was very brief and seemed honest.
If this is indeed the host, she sounds nuts. Hosts don't threaten to sue guests for a review like that, I can't imagine hosts threatening a guest over a review that was way, way worse than that. (there was one case where a host successfully sued Airbnb to reinstate her listing after Airbnb closed it down because of a guest who told them she had a gun by the front door, but it was in fact not a real gun, it was in the dog toy box and there were never any repercussions to the guest, as far as I know, for accusing the host of something false)
You should ignore her messages, block her on your phone if she is calling or texting, and report her to Airbnb- a host can't extort a guest to remove a review.
@Tori1802 I wouldn't worry. Pull out couch not comfortable is totally subjective and water didn't warm up is also fairly subjective, and certainly not a negative enough statement that it would cost anyone income.
It may be that more went on behind the scenes between guest and host, but based on that review, even if you left her 1 star for everything, it would be unfair but not actionable.
Simply report the host to Airbnb. There's no legal action he/she can take because you left her an honest review. Legal actions can only work if you have damaged anything.
@Tori1802 I agree with Superhosts @Mark116 and @Sarah977 that you have nothing to worry about.
Next time you book, some tips: only book with Superhosts and never book anything below a 4.8. The place you were in was a 4.33 - a score that may have been better when you booked? Anyway, although that seems reasonable, it's actually very low and indicates there's something wrong.
I booked with a “super host” and it was a nightmare. I gave an honest review after getting a refund. He had asked me repeatedly “not to ruin his business and leave him a bad review” To get my money refunded I said I would not, but then after money was refunded I did to warn others. It was fair and actually did not mention the most damning issues directly. He used that conversation in a future threatening message to me and said he did not have to refund my money at all and sent the following should I not remove my review. “Should you fail to take corrective action, we will be left with no choice but to explore all available measures to address the damage caused.” I did remove the post as I just don’t have the time or energy to deal with this person and will never rent any AirBNB again.
@Tori1802 I agree with @Nanxing0 , it is worth reporting this host to Airbnb for violation of its Extortion/Incentivization policy. Be sure to pass along the full text of the correspondence. https://www.airbnb.com/help/article/548/
It doesn't get more blatant than threatening to sue someone if they don't remove a less-than-perfect review. Rest assured, your comments were subjective and did not violate the Review Guidelines nor any exisiting defamation law in the US (even if it did, Airbnb would be the target in a lawsuit as it is the owner and publisher of the content). There's no material here for a "legal action" but some crazy people will pull out all the stops to bait you into saying or doing something actionable. Just in case you're dealing with one of those, I suggest ceasing all further contact with the host.
Hi. I have the same issue, as this host is threatening to sue for damages because of, she claims, lost bookings due to my review saying there was black mold (see picture below).
The host claims:
Yes it looks like there was water damage from the shower but black mold is caused by bacteria meaning it would have to be from an overflowed toilet
Not a shower door leaking
There is different types of mold black mold being very serious and life threatening so to make a comment on black mold is saying my home is inhabitable
Which is causing me to lose brookings and this calling my attorney to sue you for damages
I also include this handwritten note because the listing noted that the loft was available for sleeping, but when we arrived, this note was on the counter. Her listing still notes this as a possible sleeping surface.
So, should I be concerned she can bring me up on legal damages because of my review? And, wouldn't her listing be considered false advertising and a violation of terms and agreements?
I got so focused on the note, written on a napkin!! How utterly unprofessional. IMO...that speaks volumes about this host, and I wouldn't worry about their threats
@Allyson10 Having read your review I would chill out with a nice cocktail and ignore the host. I do love Americans whose first thought is to sue each other but this host has no hope of success.
Ha! Thanks. Yes, the U.S. loves litigation culture...
Honestly, while this host sounds a bit crazy, AirBNB doesn’t leave hosts many options. Lawsuits are sometimes the only recourse if you have a truly nightmare guest (not OP).
I would suggest not replying to any messages period. She's trying to keep you engaged in her drama. She keeps banging on about the same things, and she's revealing the weakness of her position with every message and every threat. She's puffing herself up with the attorney comments to make her look like a bigger threat. If she had an attorney engaged, that's who would be contacting you, she'd be paying them to step in and shield her. And if one contacts you, meh. It's still just brandishing.
I empathize that it's natural to want to have a weapon in return that she didn't allow guests in the loft, but it really doesn't apply to the main issue, which is the mold. It's kind of like running to the teacher and saying, "She did this, and she also did this!" so that you look like more of a victim and get more favor in case the first thing she did toward you wasn't egregious enough. Like I mentioned in the other thread, you'd have a stronger defense if you file no contact against her, and it's getting to the point of harrassment now. But it's up to you to decide if that's necessary, I personally would wait until she crossed a line worse than mere puffery and trying to convince.
You've already responded, no further response is required. Stand firm, you've already said everything you need to say and have evidence, don't let her provoke responses and take your power. It's very easy to get worked up and slip up, which would be to her benefit. It may not feel like an active response to a threat, but there's much more power in giving her the silent treatment from now on. If she actually does engage an attorney (which I doubt), and take it to courts (which I seriously doubt), any little thing you say can be picked apart and manipulated against you.
Picture it this way: you're the billy goat on top of the mountain. You're firmly grounded. She keeps charging up the peak and trying to slam into you to knock you off balance, but instead she goes tumbling back down. Then she charges back up and does the same thing. You're still there, doing nothing more than standing, and she's expending all that energy for no result. Eventually she'll get tired, maybe regroup and try again, and you'll still be standing there unmoved and unmoveable. Eventually she'll give up.
@Mike-And-Jane0 gave great advice, chill out and ignore. If you chill out with a cocktail, raise a glass to the host and thank her for repeatedly revealing the strength of your position. The next time in life that someone tries to shake your firm position, it will be even easier because, *yawn*, you've been through this before.
Thanks again. Yes, I've not continued any contact with her. And AirBnb Support said that they did not see this in violation of their review standards. I hear you on me bringing up the loft; I'm just hoping that *if* she decides she's going to pursue, some of that would invalidate her arguments. Who knows? I'm not planning to communicate any further with her.
Also, love the billy goat analogy (:
Completely, absolutely agree with your response! You have very eloquently stayed the perfect response....none.