Host has photos of another property in the listing.

Level 2
Chicago, IL

Host has photos of another property in the listing.

This listing has a photo of the exterior that is not the property. The photo pictures a property that has a beautiful garden and a table and chairs for enjoying the private courtyard garden. This is not the case. The photo actually states hidden away in the photo description "This is a similar representation not an actual photo of the townhouse". How is this allowed? I really feel like this hurts the community and makes me afraid of making another reservation using Airbnb because who knows what I will get next. My father made the booking this really upset him and he complained and nothing has been done for almost a month. I additionally have complained and Airbnb continues to avoid doing anything about this and chat agents will tell me their shift is ending at times like 11:40. What is happening to Airbnb?


How can I escalate this?


Top Answer

@Boris261 “I'm getting a list here of Airbnb's to make sure I never stay at.”


By all means, do add me to your list. Please. 

15 Replies 15
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

You communicate your dissatisfaction quite completely in your response to your review but your own review of your experience is very short and focussed on the picture of the front of the house.  Not sure why you did not elaborate more in your review.  Potential guests are not going to see your response to his review of you.  

While there are other guests complaints about the listing, the host has been given fairly decent reviews and I didn't see any recent complaints about the pictures.  Not sure what you are seeking from Air BNB other than the host should change the first picture.  Perhaps you can be more specific about the damages you seek from this host resulting from the inaccurate first picture.

I do not understand why there are no complaints of the property being misrepresented with the photo. I was very surprised by this on arrival as the host is a Superhost. It be interesting to know how many reviews of him have been deleted or did not remain up for whatever reason.

Additionally on top of this the full address was not given at the normal time either after booking was made but only street name provided and a non working number was given in the contact info. All the anomalies are very puzzling. And not the normal experience. 

Isn't Airbnb policy to only use photos of the actual property for portraying the first photo especially?

@Boris261  Yes, of course the photos should accurately represent the property.


Perhaps past guests weren't as bothered by the misleading outdoor photo as your dad was. It's unlikely that other reviews were removed-it's extremely difficult for hosts to get a review removed, and it wouldn't be removed just for pointing out inaccuracy.


You have left a review, and you can report the inaccuracy and non-working phone number, and the refusal to provide the address after the booking was confirmed.


It appears from the host's review that you had more guests than booked for, threw a party, broke house rules, etc. Are you saying you didn't do this, it's all made up? 


This host has no history of giving his past guests bad reviews, and his past guests have left lovely reviews.


It's unclear what you are seeking, beyond taking revenge on a host who gave you a horrible review.



The host knew he was getting a bad review because we had a lot of complaints. Unfortunately my father was told my someone he know's he had to hurry about and get his review up or he would be unable to do so incorrectly.  He was frustrated and did not ask for help with review and panicked  to put something up.


As seen in other reviews the host had poor communication and did  not fix the curtains advertised as remote control operated. This made one of the rooms with skylights for the most of us very uncomfortable waking up to the glaring sunlight and heat. The heat did not really work either and was brought up at night it was very cold. These issues were brought up for our stay and not addressed in anyway. Additionally we needed a closest hangers which are advertised but they were full of wet bedding with no were to hang clothes. There were other further issues brought to the host attention. 


My father's reply to the host review makes everything very clear about the situation. This is not revenge on our part. More on his part. And everything there is expressed in detail. We respected the host and did not have the dinner not party. As he himself stated we did not have the dinner because he stated he held firm. Additionally we did not ask for the people that we request to come for dinner to be able to stay there. 


I am seeking for airbnb and be to remain a clear and accurate transparent booking process. 


I do not want to get to a listing and it not be what is advertised. Photos portraying a beautiful property with a nice garden table and chairs when they aren't there is not acceptable to me. Having working heat and a way to close shades when advertised is not too much to ask for in my opinion.


My main gripe is if you don't have people who are allowed to put up fake photos you less likely to have the other issues.


It is very hard and disruptive to a trip to deal with a situation like this. The options were very limited during this time to find something on Airbnb that day. Staying at a hotel at the last minute would have been very expensive. 


As you can see just like the host all my reviews are great. I have shared meals and drinks with host on Airbnb and other hosting sites. I have stayed in a variety of different places. I just expect them to meet what is paid for and advertised.


@Boris261  Well, it's hard to know exactly what happened here, as both you, your father, and the host have good prior reviews (yes, there are a few minor complants from a very few of the host's past guests, but most of his many reviews are super postive).


You continue to gloss over the fact that you tried to have more people over, or did. If a host's rules state that no outside visitors are allowed, why didn't you respect that? Why did you push for something the host doesn't allow?


This seems to be what escalated the situation to the point where you are now digging deep to make a huge deal about the courtyard not being the same as the photo (which the host was clear about and past guests have written about how lovely the courtyard was) that you lacked for hangars, that the blinds were broken, all minor details which other guests would simply have mentioned, or not, in the review. Yet you and your father have escalated this into some enormous deal and seemingly have harrassed this host, just as you are doing here, because you were offended by the bad review.


Just let it go and move on.



You can't lie and trick people and give them broken things when they pay for an advertised experience.  I guess people don't have many expectation going to NYC. But I still I expect to get what is advertised. I am motivated because of the lies, mischaracterization of the events in the review from from raising complaints about his deceit and his lack of care to maintain his property. And these are not comparable.Screen Shot 2021-06-07 at 6.15.06 PM.jpg

@Boris261 Those courtyards are very similar. The photo on the left shows the tree just barely leafing out. There isn't much greenery overall yet- early season. The other photo is clearly taken further along in the season with abundant greenery. Of course there's going to be some difference. I agree with others, you seem to be reaching here. You left a review. Appropriate place to convey your concerns. Now let it go.

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

The yards are similar, it's just the greenery in the left yard got Covid 🙂

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Boris261  Oh for pete's sake, it's a nice brick courtyard with some trees and plants around. No, it's not identical, but the host was clear in his photo caption that it was only similar, so no, he wasn't lying.


"You can't lie and trick people". And guests can't violate house rules and maximum guest counts. You still have no response as to why you invited more people there. You are taking zero responsibility for your own behavior.


You're beating a dead horse and your complaints are way beyond reasonable for the few minor details you are so focused on.  

I'm getting a list here of Airbnb's to make sure I never stay at. Need more replies. Entilement. 


Now I know I need to send a message to host and double check everything is in working order with some kind of further verification. 😓

@Boris261 “I'm getting a list here of Airbnb's to make sure I never stay at.”


By all means, do add me to your list. Please. 

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Boris261  Cute. I would never want a guest with your attitude. Not only are you vengeful, you consider anyone who doesn't support your point of view to be a bad host.

I think host that support fraudulent photos and things not being in working order are bad host. And also bad for the community.


This seems the community center help is just be a bully pulpit for host to share belief in abusing guest.


I previously worked with listing and had request for accommodations outside the rules and said both yes and no depending. Additionally we usually communicated any issue before hand especially if it is going to be a lasting issue for the reservation. We additionally have made repairs or given discounts when issues arose. On one occasion due to an area power outage a full refund was given.


Communication and working with people use to be important apparently now you must bow at the powerful all mighty host. If you raise any complaints or ask for an accommodation they will twist things to their benefit without the retaliation clause being enforced. 


So yes if you try to abuse me I will seek justice. I am not afraid to say it. And if you support being abusive I don't care how nice your place is I will not stay there.


I've dealt with multiple great host and they thought I was also great. 


Glad I understand I need to talk to host more after this experience and seeing the responses in this thread.


@Boris261   I am a great advocate of guest/host communication.  It allows both parties to develop a sense of how compatible both the space and the guest/host are with each other.  Those guests who are new to this platform and to this shared home accommodation, as I believe your father might have been, might have expectations based on different accommodation experience.  Since you have had experience that was positive, perhaps you can help your father have a similar one.  Good luck.