Hildregarde, I am sure many of us sympathize with your situation, it's hard to be down on your luck and struggling to get by. But you have to realize many of us struggle to! We are not large companies who can afford to write off debts. From my point of view, we get by ok but we have had times where we did not know where next weeks housekeeping was going to come from!
To come out of nowhere and ask the hosting community for charity is a big ask, please don't be offended by the answers you are going to get but, this has been a hard year for many in the hosting community, many have had to suffer huge losses, it's not that we are a callous community but, I feel you are probably approaching the wrong people with your request for help.
Maybe an add in the local paper for live in help would get you better results. I do however wish you all the best and if ever you were in my part of the world I would do what ever I could to help you!