Host saying wrong price for my dates after reservation confirmed

Level 1
Pocomoke City, MD

Host saying wrong price for my dates after reservation confirmed

I am not sure what to do or email address I should use to contact Airbnb. I have reserved a house on Airbnb for next week. Everything went through fine with my reservation. Recieved my confirmation and reciept. The next day host messages me and states that the rate was incorrect. I tell her I do not understand because I have already paid for the reservation. She then replies with a price that is about double what I paid and states that it is a nice home. I do not doubt it is a nice home, but I want to know what my options are at this point. 

Thank you for any help you can give. 

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


The host is wrong. What is offered at time of booking is final. You have a confirmed reservation.

If host continues to harass you, contact Airbnb and report the host for misleading.



Level 10
Jersey City, NJ

@Lori2662  It is what it is.  The host probably forgot to change the seasonal rates, and wants to fix their mistake, but you don't have to do anything.  The rate when you booked is the rate you pay.  There is a slim chance the host could find a way to cancel your stay, but that is a long shot.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



The host cannot change the price after the booking is confirmed. Just make sure you have the correspondence with the host on the Airbnb message thread so it's evidenced in case there are any more issues with this.