Hosting: 2nd Guest Identity Verification

Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

Hosting: 2nd Guest Identity Verification

I know how to require the booking guest to verify their identity (box is checked).  How do I force the 2nd guest to also have their identity verified before accepting the booking?


5 Replies 5
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

If you want to "force" the other guests in a booking party to verify their identities before accepting a booking, you would need the means to be able to verify, right?  Do you?  I don't so an alternative might be you could advise the booking guest that government identification for all registered guests will be needed at check in and please provide the full names of all guests in the party.  Of course you will have to meet the guests at check in.  Would that work for you?

Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

Thank you Linda108 - Actually, already doing that. We do not allow any unregistered guests nor even visitor. In our rules and regulations section, we state that in capital letters right at the top.   In fact, we do not even accept the booking unless the potential guest(s) comply.  What I was asking was whether there was an automatic setting within the AirBnB App/Site which could enforce this rule. I know there is a setting which allows for that enforcement for the individual who makes the booking itself; however, not for the additional guest(s).  Here is the link and image for that setting:  Screen Shot 2021-08-29 at 08.51.53.png




As both @Brian2036  and I have pointed out, the system platform does not require ID verification of guests beyond the booking guest.  I wonder if you required all guests to have profiles, if that would be a way around the platform limitation.  I know when a booking guest is making an arrangement for a group and members in the group have profiles, it provides for the whole guest party to have access to the host communication with the booking guest.  


I presume you are available to enforce your rules, so what are you seeking to accomplish with the booking requirement of all guests being verified?  Sometimes if you provide more information about what you are trying to achieve, the hosts on this forum can be very creative with helping.

Level 10
Arkansas, United States



I think it would be a good idea if all guests were required to have ID on the record but as far as I know this is not a requirement at present.


Third-party bookings are supposed to be forbidden but there is a loophole that is infrequently exploited.


There was a recent post that described a situation where someone booked, showed up with a homeless person, and left immediately.


This is clearly unacceptable but a host cannot force the booking party to actually stay there so I would definitely be in favor of requiring all guests to reveal their identities before any bookings are accepted.

Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

Thanks for the comments and feedback. Just as a hotel requires every single guest to register with a government issued ID, I feel that AirBnB should require the same. It is for the sake of the safety and security of the host. Yes, we do state this clearly in our house rules and regulations and yes we are on site in the main house on the same property to enforce same; however, I am actually surprised that AirBnB is not requiring same.