Hosts in the Whitsundays area!

Level 2
Hideaway Bay, Australia

Hosts in the Whitsundays area!

Hi There,

I am wanting to start a FB Group for local hosts, in the Whitsunday/Bowen area for somewhere we can discuss and exchange ideas and help support each other. If you think this is something that you could contribute too and benefit from please get in touch with me. Or leave a comment. 
Regards Robyn 

1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Robyn434


I love this idea! I can see the closest existing to your area is in Townsville, which might be a bit far. If you'd live to start a Host club where you are, this page might interest you:


I'd love to hear how you get on with this project, do come back and let us know please!







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