How clean an airbnb is supposed to be?

Level 2
Montreal, Canada

How clean an airbnb is supposed to be?

I've been living full time in Airbnb for the past 5 years and it seems like cleaning had a lot of inconsistencies in terms of cleanliness. 


There are the most common I had :

- Dirty walls

- Food between the couch

- Dishes not cleaned between guest


I'm mostly living in Europe, Asia and Mexico.


After talking with many hosts, it seems like all the hosts have their own standards and simply use airbnb as a hosting platform to get more booking. In some countries I've been like Bali, they never clean the ceiling or walls. It seems like it's a cultural thing not to clean everything properly. The definition of a deep cleaned house in Bali is radically different than what I experienced in my hometown in Canada.


Does airbnb provide a checklist of what should be cleaned or it's up to the host? I tend to have a concern as a guest of who clean the place I stay. Do hosts look back after the cleaning staff to make sure they follow a specific guideline.


I remember staying in Germany where the host had a checklist of every single items in his airbnb and he asked me to sign a paper making sure everything is present.

1 Reply 1
Level 10

@Julien370  I’m not sure there is a “how clean”.  It should be clean.  I’ve seen a section on

cleaning in AIrbnb but can not point to where. It’s certain not a set of rules, but guidelines.   I will follow up if I find it.  In my mind, clean is clean. The things you describe are not acceptable and when you discover these things, you should immediately advise the host.  There are times when mistakes are made, cleaners get sloppy etc. Give the host  an opportunity to make it right. Maybe they will attend themselves to check or send someone in to clean it again.  If you’re not satisfied (and I wouldn’t be) you may want to find alternate accommodations.  Now having said that, moving to a new location comes with a whole new set of problems. AIRBNB is abysmal with customer service so you’re likely going to lose money doing this.  Take photos for evidence. If you decide to stay then you need to give accurate ratings for the listings.  Other guests need to know before booking. And let’s let the cream of AIRBNB rise to the top.  
I’m reminded of one stay that brought two dogs that they did advise they were bringing but did not specify what kind of dogs. Well, after they left, the place couldn’t have been in worse shape after a dog. There was slobber all over everything, furniture, fireplace, walls. After asking the guest (basically WTF?!?) I was  advised they had a St.Bernard. Luckily I had two days to clean the house. I was mortified though to find missed slobber in some places after the next one and two stays. The guests didn’t notice or comment. Still gave a 5 star for cleaning because everything was clean and didn’t notice little bits of slobber 6 and 7 feet up. I mention this story, because even the best cleaners WILL miss the odd thing occasionally. But unclean is definitely a number of things.