How do I write a review for a guest?


How do I write a review for a guest?



My first guest checked out today (3 hours ago) and I want to leave a review, but my host page says I have no checkouts today. I am not sure how to provide a review.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.





Top Answer

Thank you, I did receive the prompt and now know it takes a bit of time to generate at Air B&B. I am new to this, so thought the review process was immediate. I appreciate your help!


4 Replies 4
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



It can take some time before the review option shows up.

Review button or link will appear in several locations, eg Inbox, list of reservations, dasboard or in:


Thank you, I did receive the prompt and now know it takes a bit of time to generate at Air B&B. I am new to this, so thought the review process was immediate. I appreciate your help!


Level 10
Yulee, FL


AirBnB usually notifies me when to provide the review. Then you have 14 days. Although you should still be seeing at least "Guest Checking Out Today" instead of no checkouts today on your dashboard. 

Thanks, I was so excited to write my first review that I did not realize it takes some time to have Air B&B generate the request.
