How frequently is guest’s phone number rechecked/verified?

Level 2
João Pessoa, Brazil

How frequently is guest’s phone number rechecked/verified?

I’m from Brazil and here prepaid SIM cards have a validation period of 180 days with no recharges. After that period, the carrier is able to assign that number to a new customer.


This makes it possible for an Airbnb guest to have an outdated phone number, one that he/she no longer has.

This happened to me this weekend, when I tried to reach a guest but was unable to do so due to the phone number on Airbnb no longer belonging to him/her.

So, how frequently is a guest’s phone number rechecked/verified again?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Alberta, Canada

@Rafael369 The majority of my guests have outdated info on their profiles. I don't believe any guest info is ever rechecked. I even recently had a brand new to the platform guest with a phone number that was not in service. And I never rely on Airbnb's so called 'verified identity.' It's meaningless.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Rafael369  Lots of guests move and forget to update their info. I don't think Airbnb requires them to update at all.


When you communucate with guests when they first book, it's a good idea, as part of your first message to them after their booking is confirmed, to ask them to pmease check that the telephone number they have on their Airbnb profile is current and confirm that to you.