How reviews works

Level 1
Escazu, Costa Rica

How reviews works

Hello guys! I have an issue here, I want to know how the review system works, it’s automatically done right after one guest or it’s like after certain amount of guests or after certain amount time? Cause yesterday I was all in 5star and now I’m in 4.91 overnight I don’t know if was the last guest or what.. 


Could Someone help me out please🙌🏽

1 Reply 1
Level 9
Berkeley, CA


Your rating will fluctuate as you accrue reviews. Early on, one bad review can really hurt, so you really do want to be mindful to be detail-oriented and thoughtful, looking at your place as critically as possible; put yourself in the shoes of your guest and think about what might warrant improvement. You can’t change your location, but you can have really crisp linens and excellent pillows. You can offer guests a great cup of coffee in the morning, which they’ll definitely remember with gratitude.