How to reply on old guests' review?

Level 2

How to reply on old guests' review?

Hi guys, I am trying to reply on my reviews to tell them how grateful I am on their kind reviews. I was able to reply for the present month (July 2020), but there is no "Leave Public Response" on months before that. 

Top Answer
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Carrie354  I think you only have 30 days max to leave a response. And your past guests will likely never see your response anyway- the responses to the reviews guests leave you are on your  review page- the people who see them are future prospective guests. If you want to personally thank your guests for leaving you a good review, just send them a private message.

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Carrie354  I think you only have 30 days max to leave a response. And your past guests will likely never see your response anyway- the responses to the reviews guests leave you are on your  review page- the people who see them are future prospective guests. If you want to personally thank your guests for leaving you a good review, just send them a private message.

Hello Sarah, looks like we really only have 30 days max, I've been trying to find a way to leave a public response but I can't find any. Thank you for your answer and suggestion, it really is most helpful. Cheers!