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Guest messaged me at 10:20 pm asking for a late check out the next morning. Obviously I had the cleaner scheduled already. I needed to tell her to come later but also hire someone else to help her because she can not stay late- she has another job. I also would have had to pay her for the full day because it would not have been fare to her to leave her without income at the last minute. I do charge a late check out fee which is precisely in place to cover this type of a situation. The guest knew about the fee and in her message asked to pay for the late check out. I sent her the money request, a message letting her know to accept it and I went to bed shortly after. I woke up to no payment and no message. I messaged the guest asking if she were still planning on checking out late. No answer. I texted. No answer. I called. No answer. Each time I explained that cleaning cleaning crew takes public transportation so they need to know if they are getting on the bus or not and I need to find an extra cleaner as well. Check out was at 10. I also had a work meeting from 9:30 to 10:30 which made dealing with this even harder. I ended up telling my cleaner to head out and not go in until I finish with my meeting. At 10:14 the guest messaged me telling me she decided to check out at 10. Classic self absorbed millennial. Clearly this is a one star for communication. What about the rest of the stars and should I recommend the guest? I also do not want to post a drawn out explanation of what happened. Put something brief and more details in the private note?
@Inna22 It appears your response to the inquiry caused the guest to rethink the request and figure out a way to leave on time. You bent over backwards to satisfy the guest and be fair to your cleaning person but all you got for that effort is a "back ache"! Perhaps in the future, your response to the inquiry would include a time frame for response such as 30 minutes to accept the additional charge or you would proceed with the schedule for cleaning.
As to the review, I doubt the guest even thought about effect of poor communication for you. If everything else was fine with the guest, I would mention what was good and add that communication was not the best. Would not go into detail, but in a private message you could take the time to explain how the lack of communication was problematic.
@Linda108 the problem with putting the time frame is that if they still decide to do it, they will just message me and say- oops, did not see this but still want to check out late. Or be angry that they missed the time. Or feel that I am too pushy to collect the fee. Or say that they did not understand they had to click on something and I had their credit card and thought they were all set. This happens all the time. No matter what, I am at their mercy
@Inna22 Honestly, this type of guest response is exactly why I decided to never budge from my check in and check out times. I'm wondering why you are flexible if it causes this much chaos for you and your cleaners? Guests just don't and never will get it.
I'm with Linda on the review aspect. And personally, I would feel I couldn't recommend the guest.
@Colleen253 The reason I allow it is 1. To please the guests. I have many rules so I try to be accommodating if I can. 2. It is a small revenue source. I charge enough where during the busy times between all my properties it adds up to being worth it 3. I give my cleaners more work and keep them happy 4. I never have anyone who doesn’t want to pay the fee just linger past their time since I have started doing this. They know they will be on the hook for the money if they do
@Inna22 That makes total sense. What about if you print up and put in the listing a late check-out info sheet with all the requirements/procedure for requesting and receiving one? Put on there why these requirements are in place, and explain that if proper procedure isn't followed and payment received (explain that you don't have access to charge their card), that the cleaners will be there at the normal scheduled check out time.
@Inna22 Your cleaners are happy to be called in the middle of the night with a schedule change for the next day? Girl have you ever done manual labor?
I can see the merit in saying yes to this request, but not if the alteration wasn't approved in real time before you went to bed. That was where you dropped the ball, squarely on your big toe.
On occasions like this, I've tended to write a mixed review conveying the positive while saying something like "my one regret with this guest was that...." and showing how the poor communication combined with my own error in expectation to result in a problem.
@Anonymous I pay full amount to those scheduled but they only come for half day. I then find someone who wants to pick up an extra shift and obviously get paid for it
@Anonymous and if it is late at night I tell the guests I can only accommodate if anyone responds. I send a text and never call.
@Inna22 You should have said no. It's one thing to offer/agree to a late check out when it doesn't affect the cleaning schedule or any future guests and is just a matter of saying okay; it's another thing, especially considering it was a late night request, when it involves you paying people for not working, and juggling around multiple people's schedules.
I would certainly not recommend this guest, but you could say something overall neutral/positive and mention that communication on the last day created some challenges.
I also tell people that ABB takes 24 hrs to process payments so you might want to build that into your info as well @Inna22
But still, don’t jump through hoops for last minute problems. “A failure to plan on your part doesn’t constitute an emergency on my part”
These are great tips. I always learn from you all.
@Inna22 @Colleen253 @Anonymous @Kelly149 @Mark116
In my experience, allowing late check-out is a recipe for stress and grief, particularly if there are incoming guests or your calendar is open and available for short notice booking.
You have no way of knowing if someone will want to make a reservation for the check-out day of the incumbent guest and if you do have an existing reservation for check-in that day, all you do is restrict the amount of time you have to prepare for the next guest. This can become a real headache if there's any maintenance required between guests, light bulbs to be changed when you don't have a spare or a dripping tap or the like.
Your obligation is to the incoming guest to be able to offer timely check-in and be able to present the accommodation in pristine condition, the outgoing guest is, unfortunately, history and I don't mean that unkindly, it's just the nature of the business.
I always message guests a day before check-out reminding them of the check-out time offer to keep their luggage if they are leaving town later in the day.