I am being extorted by a guest and air b n b refused to support me at all.

Level 4
Santa Fe, NM

I am being extorted by a guest and air b n b refused to support me at all.

To cut to the chase.  The guest arrived and left within the hour 8 days ago.  This morning Air b n b  send me notice of a complete refund.  There was no reason or explanation.  There were no pictures enclosed.  I was on the phone with 4 different reps or ambassadors .  I could not understand any of the first 3 ambassadors english and the last one could not confirm any part of the conversation that we had been talking about.  They were not listening at all.  Finally a 5th ambassador got on the line and refused to send me pictures or give me any explanation.


I finally insisted that an American  Air b n b  ambassador become involved.  


What really happened is that the guests  Mother ,  daughter , and boyfriend got into an argument and made up cleanliness as an issue.  I have in my house rules that all guests much see pictures of my listing before booking and agree to booking.  My guess is that I will probably end up walking away from a $425 two night booking for fear that Air b n b  will block me from more business.  Keep in mind that I have a great track record of 5 star reviews.  This was one lousy experience with a guest.  I need some help here.

20 Replies 20
Level 10
Alberta, Canada

You’ll need to provide details @David122 

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hey everyone, 


I appreciate how willing you are to help, but l need to ask you to please refrain from making assumptions. Let's give the OP a chance to answer your questions.


@David122 will you please update us on your case when you get a chance?


Also, I'd like to remind you about the Community Guidelines. Inappropriate remarks targeting CC members are not allowed.


@Sarah977 @Nina75 





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Level 2
Moscow, Russia

 Я боюсь, что у меня такая же ситуация будет: гости приехали на 5 ночей, но не 3 человека, как было заявлено, а 4 и через 2 ночи резко уехали,   просто поставив нас перед фактом: мы сейчас уезжаем. Причем было видно, что они на взводе, видимо тоже произошла какая-то ссора. При этом причину высказали, что диван неудобный, им подушек не хватило и так далее, при этом за два прожитых дня  не обращались к нам ни с просьбой, ни с претензиями. В квартире оставили после себя гору немытой посуды и, естественно, даже не прибрались. Что теперь нам делать? вот вопрос. Ситуация настолько обескураживающая!!!! Причем гости, которые проживали у нас до этого (и не по 2-7 дней, а по 1-3 месяца) были абсолютно довольны. 

@Анатолий5  Вы получили свои деньги? или они просили возмещение?

Да, получил.  Пока они ничего не требовали. Просто очень неприятный осадок, люди поругались между собой, а крайнего оставляют меня. 

Level 2
Nacogdoches, TX

And I feel your pain. I had a Guest, who was clearly extorting me? Her words were that I needed to give her the full refund because she did not want to have to say negative things about online. And then she clearly had an extreme bias, because when I did refused to give her more money, even though I did give her half just to try to placate the situation, but she still continued and then once I refused, that’s whenever not long later, she decided to write a scathing lie about me and AirBNB would do nothing. The customer agent did inform me that unless they say the words extort or are completely blatant about it, they can’t even listen or won’t do anything. Even if they elude to it, which is not what this woman did was way over the top and with a net it was blatant, but I guess they didn’t. She didn’t use the word she still you know have some coverage I guess I don’t know but why have the policies if you’re not going to enforce them I mean yes you want to guests to be happy fine but if you don’t have any hosts  you then really don’t have any guests. 

i’ve been slowly upgrading and pushing to get you know more air, B&Bs in more and make this one even better every time but now, when I see that we have no support absolutely none, and the truth doesn’t matter, so no matter what evidence that I would provide it doesn’t matter they can say whatever they want truth doesn’t matter. That’s what they told me specifically I really don’t know if I’m gonna continue doing it what’s the point