I have a unique space that locals want to stay at but they are being blocked due to the "party" policy.

Level 2
Vilonia, AR

I have a unique space that locals want to stay at but they are being blocked due to the "party" policy.



I have a former nuclear missile complex and a number of people locally want to stay here. I've reached out to support but they've been unresponsive. I have two reservations just today that have been blocked with no resolution in sight. 


Any help is appreciated! 





1 Best Answer
Level 10
Quilcene, WA

@G-T-0 Wow!


Airbnb has recently gotten semi-serious about preventing parties and this is one of their poorly-thought-out ideas. I have read that a work-around for this problem is to temporarily change the property type to "private room" (which will circumvent the party check), then change it back after the guest books. In your shoes I would also consider allowing people to book off-platform. Using the Airbnb platform to solicit off-platform bookings is a violation of terms of service, but it sounds like your potential guests may be learning about your place elsewhere anyway.

20 Replies 20
Level 10
Quilcene, WA

@G-T-0 Wow!


Airbnb has recently gotten semi-serious about preventing parties and this is one of their poorly-thought-out ideas. I have read that a work-around for this problem is to temporarily change the property type to "private room" (which will circumvent the party check), then change it back after the guest books. In your shoes I would also consider allowing people to book off-platform. Using the Airbnb platform to solicit off-platform bookings is a violation of terms of service, but it sounds like your potential guests may be learning about your place elsewhere anyway.

@Lisa723 Yes, that workaround 'works'. I've had to do it at times. Clunky and not a great workaround on the whole though, if  @G-T-0 's bookings are largely of the local category. How immensely frustrating.

Thank you Lisa! I've seen that workaround but for the life of me I can't figure out how to change it to a "private room". Most responses I've seen online have been with an old interface where it must have moved. If you could help me with how to change that I'd much appreciate it! 



@G-T-0  In edit mode, choose listing, scroll down to 'property and guests'. You can choose/change property type there.

@Colleen253 do you know whether another work-around is to book for two nights then change the reservation dates?


@G-T-0 to alert someone that you have mentioned them you have to tag them with '@'

@Lisa723 Any of the other workarounds that exist tend to have a high failure rate, increasing the hassle and time spent messaging back and forth with guest. Changing listing to private room is the quickest and easiest. 



Thank you! I did it and the guest still couldn't book. Same messaging about parties and such. He's bringing his wife and 3 kids. I'm sure it's going to be a raging party. 🙂 

@G-T-0 it's still listed as "entire home":



@Lisa723 I had it as private room when he tried to book it. I changed it back, but then (just a min ago) changed it back to private room based on some other feedback. 

Weird @Lisa723 @G-T-0  It shows as private room when I look at it. I've refreshed the page. But that must be the problem.

@G-T-0 Hmm, that's odd. It's always worked for me. I haven't had to try it in awhile though. Maybe they've since done something to make it harder to fool that algorithm. Maybe get them to try booking further in the future. Then you can adjust the dates. 

Level 10
Alberta, Canada

@G-T-0 If you're not already, it might be a good idea to start to cultivate your presence on other platforms and go to direct booking via your own website. Facebook, Instagram.  I don't have much confidence that you'll make inroads on this issue with Airbnb, for many and varied reasons. 

Thank you Colleen! 

Just had a look at your listing @G-T-0 . That is the BOMB, seriously, lol. Wow!