I have developed a COVID 19 policy for my guests and wondered if anyone else has done so and/or if anyone would like a copy of mine?

Level 1
Fort Lauderdale, FL

I have developed a COVID 19 policy for my guests and wondered if anyone else has done so and/or if anyone would like a copy of mine?

All Guests



This update to house policy regards COVID 19 and is being issued as a result of potential cases being identified in Florida.  Although you personally may or may not be concerned about COVID-19, others may be very concerned and deeply fearful.  When a number of people are living together it is important to consider everyone.  Guests may include those over 50, those who have other medical conditions and those without access to primary care who are all more vulnerable to COVID 19. Whether or not you fall into those categories, please abide by the following while staying here if not for yourself, to protect others:

  • Avoid large gatherings of other people and/or try to keep your distance from other people when in busy public places,
  • When you get here, please thoroughly wash your hands, and continue to do so throughout the day but particularly when you have been in high-contact areas,
  • Avoid contact with people who are sick,
  • If you become sick immediately isolate yourself and stay six feet away from other people and animals when asking for assistance.

Please be reassured that your room is cleaned with anti-bacterial cleaner and that your sheets and towels are sanitized before being provided to you.


Todos los invitados



Esta actualización de la política de la casa se refiere a COVID 19 y se emite como resultado de la identificación de casos potenciales en Florida. Aunque usted personalmente puede o no estar preocupado por COVID-19, otros pueden estar muy preocupados y profundamente temerosos. Cuando varias personas viven juntas, es importante tener en cuenta a todos. Los huéspedes pueden incluir a los mayores de 50 años, aquellos que tienen otras afecciones médicas y aquellos sin acceso a la atención primaria que son más vulnerables a COVID 19. Independientemente de si pertenece a esas categorías, cumpla con lo siguiente mientras se hospeda aquí si no es por usted mismo , para proteger a otros:

Evite grandes reuniones de otras personas y / o trate de mantenerse alejado de otras personas cuando se encuentre en lugares públicos concurridos,

- Cuando llegue aquí, lávese bien las manos y continúe haciéndolo durante todo el día, pero especialmente cuando haya estado en áreas de alto contacto,

- Evitar el contacto con personas enfermas,

- Si se enferma, aísle de inmediato y manténgase a seis pies de distancia de otras personas y animales cuando solicite ayuda.

Tenga la seguridad de que su habitación se limpia con un limpiador antibacteriano y que sus sábanas y toallas se desinfectan antes de que se las proporcionen.


2 Replies 2

@Laura2426   I see nothing wrong with sharing some sensible guidelines to help reduce risk, especially when you're sharing living space with the guests or hosting multiple parties.  But I have doubts about the effectiveness of calling these "house policies," because a host doesn't really have the capacity to enforce rules that extend to guests' behavior outside of the property. 

Level 10
Chicago, IL

@Laura2426  Of course, having a prior medical background, (I was a Pharmacist for 25 years), my eyes went straight to     "Please be reassured that your room is cleaned with anti-bacterial cleaner and that your sheets and towels are sanitized before being provided to you."


I understand what you're trying to say, but I would then ask what kind of "anti bacterial cleaner" because bacteria and viruses are not the same, and an "anti-bacterial" does not work for viruses. I think, if you are going to talk about cleaners, you have to say something like "anti viral cleaners as recommended by WHO or CDC".   And when talking about "sanitized sheets" I would ask how were they sanitized ?


This is pretty specific language that has to be clear.    I think one has to be really careful about misrepresenting something, even if unintentional. 


I might stick more closely with language taken directly from the WHO or CDC websites as regards cleaning and personal protection.




They have some nice infographics that one might print out and leave in one's space.