Hi! The Cottonwood Heights City Council is currently evaluat...
Hi! The Cottonwood Heights City Council is currently evaluating potential changes to short-term rental (STR) policies, and th...
Since 3 weekend reservations in a row threw parties and I contacted them and Airbnb to file complaints and nicely ask them to make everyone leave, these 3 are THE ONLY 3 OUT OF 37 RESERVATIONS that gave me 3 stars dropping me down to a 4.73!!!! This is not fair since now as I still receive 5 stars from the other reservations since them. Why do they get away with messing with our money and status because we stopped their party? Nobody deserves to be managed this way. Especially when I did everything else they wanted. Would someone help answer this?
@Denise1112 forget for a moment about what Airbnb's algorithm deems a "Superhost," as it would rather have you be a doormat to your guests to keep your ratings up than enforce your rules and protect your home. Instead, consider the qualities that command respect from guests and attract the best ones - indeed, those who leave you the better ratings.
A truly super host would have measures in place to prevent parties before they can get to the point that neighbors complain. That includes a clear, ironclad set of rules against unregistered visitors, without loopholes and wiggle room, and a plan to use the information your existing features are already picking up quickly and efficiently. From the hosting community's perspective a super host would have reviewed all of the guests who threw parties too. And these days, being super at hosting also means being able to prevent or resolve independently any issues that might have involved customer service back when it existed.
It's ridiculous that the bar for entry into this phony "elite" can be as little as 10 short bookings. A newer host could have a wonderfully appointed home and great hospitality skills, but still a lot to learn about how to anticipate the common issues and expectations specific to Airbnb. It would be nice to see more encouragement to ascend the learning curve, rather than premature laurels to rest on.
Anyway, if you're invested in keeping that cluster of orange pixels, your best tactic will be to not use instant book, and engage each request with a bit of dialogue to make sure the expectations are completely accurate. Over time it becomes bizarrely easy to predict which guests will be problematic within the original correspondence, and when you weed those out (and continue doing everything else well) youare far likelier to get consistent 5 star ratings.
@Denise1112 - If you haven't done so already, I would strongly suggest setting your booking requirements so that each guest requires the full slate of verification ie. government-issued ID, positive reviews from previous hosts, and clearly expressed agreement to your house rules.
Hi we have been Superhosts continously and very prud of it and once again gained Superhost in October this year, but our Superhost status has NOT been placed on our profile and dispite many messages and requests to have it reinstated and displayed still has not happened nwe are 4.9. I am of the belief that the powers of be of AIRBNB need to look after their hosts a lot better instead of ignoring requests, and making excuses. Not happy
@John5788 Not sure what you're talking about. You have Superhost on your profile and all your listings.
@Denise1112 I don't see any reviews you have left for guests that mention they threw a party. As a fellow host I would want to know that. By not leaving reviews that are truthful you just pass the problem along to others and put them in the same predicament you are in now. Please re-think these glowing reviews for guests who break your rules.
Also, read this. I would definitely increase my prices at the very least.
Why haven't you left an honest review of your three recent party going guests to warn future hosts? @Denise1112
I agree do focus on how you are vetting your guests to minimise the risk of you having guests wanting to party.