I was wanting to know if there are drugs found on a property that I’m cleaning what should I do? If something were to happen could the maid get charged with possession of drugs ?

I was wanting to know if there are drugs found on a property that I’m cleaning what should I do? If something were to happen could the maid get charged with possession of drugs ?


7 Replies 7

Yes.  And depending on the amount sale and distribution.  Local law enforce can seize the property as well for being a property with known drug activity. 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Oh please @Ben4894 


Sounds like scaremongering. I can't imagine any situation where the police would 'seize' an STR property because paying guests had been using it for drugs.



No scaremongering here.  While you can't imagine something like this occurring, it already has.  I see you are in the UK, your laws are different then ours.  Please don't say DEA/law enforcement doesn't seize property when they do and have.  It' the law here. 

Ben I think that the cleaner could of course always notify the owner and host rather than having to clean up ,but people, some people, will do as they wish and leave the evidence behind. it is a pain for those cleaning because it does mean a more thorough clean to make sure that there is nothing else. I find heaps of alchohol bottles on the same level as being rubbish . I would not consider on the rare times that this generally occurs as a 'sieze the house scenario'.most hosts state clearly that drug use is not allowed or smoking of any kind including vaping. I found three vapes in a bedside drawer and threw them in the bin. No one ever asked about them ,although someone told me they were expensive. If you leave drugs at my house , do not expect to get them back or you may have to meet someone you do not like , oh and do not come back. Thank you   H

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

I didn't say your law enforcement wouldn't seize drug property as do ours I said they wouldn't seize a short term rental  owned by a third unrelated party.


That's why I said you are scrare-mongering.


If you can link to a reputable national or regional media in your country where an STR property has been seized by your law enforcement because a guest had been using it for selling drugs I will be happy to apologise.

I don't think this person is talking about dealer-levels here. Law enforcement will not seize a property for personal-use levels of narcotics unless the agent who authorized the seizure happens to have a fetish for the inevitable litigation that would follow.

Level 10
Victoria, Australia

To me its all rubbish and goes in the bin or down the toilet.If i wanted to I suppose I could leave it where it sits and set up a crime scene scenario and ring the police. I have flushed all types of pills and thrown out bits of marijuana . If it was a larger amount or a obviously dangerous situation that could not be flushed or cleaned up ,I would ring the police. H