I would like to get in touch with AirBnB management as their delay in replies on two separate bookings is ruining our holiday

Level 1
Málaga, Spain

I would like to get in touch with AirBnB management as their delay in replies on two separate bookings is ruining our holiday

Does anyone know how to file a formal complaint about the AirBnB business and how to get in touch with management urgently?


I've tried calling, but the people on the line can't be understood.


I have been charged by AirBnB twice now but the reservation has not gone through due to an error on the AirBnB side. Yesterday night I explained the situation, our CC is empty now. Yes, they will refund, but that doesn't happen instantly, we have to wait to receive it. I explained that the last attempt should not be refunded but that the accommodation should be confirmed, i.e. put it to the accommodation, it can't be that hard now, can it? You have the money, confirm the reservation. It's now morning, we have TWO HOURS before we need to check out where we are and we are without means of payment and a place to go. This is INSANE!


I have explained the above situation and its urgency 10 hours ago. I also explained that any costs we will incur today will be forwarded to AirBnb. This is now the second time on this same holiday that the delay of AirBnB is costing us time, money, and destroying our holiday. This has to be taken further like right now. If not, I guess, the only thing to do is find someone interested to write our story about AirBnB.

4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Anna9824 I am afraid you have no chance of talking to Airbnb management.

My only advice is, given the issues surrounding covid, I wouldn't leave any bookings to the last minute.

Level 10
New York, NY

@Anna9824  I hope you made it out.  I can't quite see why it's Airbnb's responsibility to ensure your holiday goes off without a hitch when you've chosen to vacation on a credit tightrope.  But if you're desperate, go to Twitter and send a message to @airbnbhelp.  Don't be long-winded.  Simply state your name, email, and phone number, then enter the reservation in question.  Keep your questions brief and factual.



Well, if you move into a dumpster, and the host doesn't know how to refund or change your booking, and you get told to contact AirBnB, and you contact them to explain everything, and they then don't reply in a promptly manner, which then requires you to stay longer than you have to in that place, it's AirBnBs fault.


When AirBnB charges your CC twice but does not confirm/book the reservation, and all the money is off your Credit Card, and you explained this story to them, and they don't get back to you. YES, it is entirely the fault of AirBnB. Credit tightrope has nothing to do with it.

It's called customer service, which all big money-making companies seem to lack these days. They employ low-level staff who only have access to a limited support system that allows going through certain processes and when anything deviates from that, they can't do anything.