Hi @John203
I can see your point, but I don't personally I have problem with it.
I require that my guests have government ID in order to book, I think it's a fair enough that I am also verified to prove I am who I say I am.
I'm sure you are honest, but when you ask "why would I pretend to be someone I"m not?" well there's a heap of really great reasons if you are a scammer and dishonest... adn there has been proof time and time again that there are plenty of hosts who are NOT creating chaos on the platfrom
Here is just one article
I certainly think a new player would be welcome, but for me personally, it's not because airbnb are asking hosts to verify, it's because they lack accountability and transparency, rarely seem to honour their host guarantee, give conflicting advice, fail to answer difficult and uncomfortable questions, have endless computer glitches resulting in hosts losing money, force hosts to take a financial loss when a guest has failed to take out adequate ( or any) travel insurance, etc etc etc