I’m sure we’ve all had those moments after guests leave, whe...
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I’m sure we’ve all had those moments after guests leave, when we start tidying up and discover something unexpected. From qui...
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Hi there ,
Can you ask Brian to look into a channel for Superhosts to be able to communicate with Airbnb if they fit the eligibility study for the support funding, but haven't been contacted? I've had three online and phone conversations with AirBnb support and they can't help as they say it's a different department, and the conversation ends there. It's really frustrating... and I could really do with some financial support right now and I tick all the boxes! There are bound to be some Superhosts overseen by your algorithm - after the 100% refund debacle at the start, it would be good to get this right. Thanks and stay safe everyone.
@Susie213 There are tons of hosts who fit the eligibility criteria who haven't gotten invites. And tons of those hosts who are in financial straits. I think you're dreaming if you think that having someone to talk to to plead your case is going to make any difference, but good luck.
Then I want to know why not me or if there has been a mistake. Because either way, you need have a line communication - this is what they failed to create at the start of Covid . The concept of Airbnb being a community isn't what it used to be - they have to ressurrect trust in the brand, not from the guests, but from us. Thanks for wishing me luck and I think it speaks reams that you think that's the only thing that'll help me - that's what they have to change if they want people to be part of their business. Have great day in Mexico! It's 13 degrees here!
@Susie213 I fully agree that Airbnb needs to totally overhaul their dealings and customer support with hosts, it's abyssmal. But I can also understand that they wouldn't have the resources to deal with 150,000 hosts calling to ask Why not me? They should have made it crystal clear from the beginning that only a small percentage of hosts would be getting these, instead of being misleading and cagey about it and getting hopes up.
Yes, I'm happy to be living somewhere warm. I talked to my daughter in Toronto on the phone yesterday, where it was snowing. And the lockdowns haven't been very hard on me, as I live in the countryside with a nice big yard and plenty of space to take a long walk without encountering other people. I feel bad for those who live in apartments in the city, that must be incredibly difficult.
The superhost relief fund is nothing more than a PR stunt..... so imo Airbnb will find and select hosts that are great PR material. Looking at Airbnb's track record for communication and transparency in general....... agree with @Sarah977 that I think you're dreaming.
Airbnb is a private company out to make money. They provide a platform. Hosts and guests are users. Airbnb being a *community* is also nothing more than PR. Just like management saying "employees are family".
I'm afraid, @Susie213, I'm in agreement with @Sarah977's advice. There's a very, very long line of 20+ time Superhosts in the queue for a handout. I'm very realistic about this and will assume that, despite ticking every box, and being a Superhost from the get-go, I'll get nothing. Thank God for 'rainy day' savings.
I have just posted a similar question in the Host Circle discussion area. I also feel that I am eligible but have not been invited to apply. I have tried to get an answer from CS but they keep telling me it is a computer that makes the decision regarding eligibility. How can this possibly be fair and correct? How can there be no recourse?
Well, it's an indictment against Airbnb that what one person sees as a possible algorithm oversight, three others in quick succession view as a hopeless cause and a PR stunt. If anything was a call to a action to their business, it's this. Stay safe x
@Susie213 I'll add my name to the list of those who say that this was simply more PR-posturing by our "friend" Brian in response to the "extenuating-circumstances-refund" disaster. There are literally hundreds of thousands of us hosts who would fit the eligibility criteria as Sarah and Gordon have already mentioned; I suspect, Airbnb will pick those who make the best "poster-children". 😉
(I posted this on the Hosting board, but is applicable to this one also)
If there are 750,000 total hosts and 150,000 are Superhosts and there is only $10 million to go around, and they are giving it out in $5,000 chunks it would mean that only 2,000 gifts are available to go around (75:1).
Even after all their tribunal decisions to cut down who merits getting a grant or not, by using some philanthropic and well-meaning criteria, and leads to improving the odds by 'disqualifying' 1/3 or 1/2 of Superhosts, improving the odds all the way down to only 1:20, Airbnb will still disappoint 95% of the group and be the hero to only 5%. Taking their sweet time to hand out the lousy $10m (in the scheme of things) only augments the false-hope guessing game now going on for 6 weeks.
Why does Airbnb do fooling things like this? Which begs the question - what non-Homo Sapiens planet have they been living in the last decade, since they too often demonstrate no clue of human nature?