In a first, Airbnb takes action against guest for party

Level 10
Chicago, IL

In a first, Airbnb takes action against guest for party

Hi all


I've been offline for a couple of days, so I'm not sure if this has been posted yet. 


We had huge thunderstorms roll through Chicago on Monday afternoon, many trees uprooted, roof damage and broken windows. 


Tornados were reported in the area. 


My house is fine, thankfully, but power was out from 5pm Monday till about 7pm tonight,  Wednesday.


Just getting caught up !

15 Replies 15
Level 10
Placencia, Belize

@Inna22 Not against big house offerings per se, but IF certain risky listing combinations are easily turning into a nightmare, Airbnb should be more cautious and yes hold the host responsible. It is their place, they are there (or should be) and little Airbnb could do about it from afar, they are not the police. Yes, if it happens once, it is understandable, maybe a 2nd time, but a 3rd+ - then something is definitely wrong. I wasn't thinking of your place, but actually of a few places I know of where this is constantly happening, and the host is constantly filing claims - like its a joke. The neighborhood then is on their local council's case to ban all Airbnbs, not good.  These '"Another OK-Corral Shootout at an Airbnb' occurrences are a major brand liability, and have indirect 'costs' to them and everyone else.