Instant book off !

Level 1
Toronto, CA

Instant book off !

Why no one from the airbnb technical support is joining the conversation ? There is a bug ! Fix it ! It is causing nightmares to hosts and guests all together ! 

2 Replies 2
Level 10

Hi @Gabi146 

Sorry to hear you are having problems.

Just a heads up though  - this forum has nothing at all to do with customer support.  This is a community forum of other guests and hosts where we try to listen, and offer support and advice where we can.   


Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

@Gabi146  , have you reset your settings & cleared the cache?


Are you getting Enquiry only msgs from Guests prior to booking?

Do  you know if it's a widespread issue?


Make sure you in include a snippet in your listing that this issue exists & suggest Guests trying to book contact Customer Services.





Do you know about this & if it's been followed up please?


Thanks in advance