Is Airbnb not protecting its Hosts?

Level 2
Tampa, FL

Is Airbnb not protecting its Hosts?

Is it me or is Airbnb losing its customer support and Host protection? My name is Noelia, I have been a Superhost for 5+ years, and pride myself in being one. I have always loved Airbnb due to their ability to take help Hosts through their outstanding customer support team, but have had altercations this week that have left me second guessing. This weekend I had a dispute with a guest that required a resolution. I began the call with one representative that did not communicate whatsoever, had to call other numerous representatives to make her reach out and later sent me a message reporting she was on rest days and would return on Tuesday to resolve the case. I had to call Airbnb again and go through a multitude of representatives that said they would help me and never did. Until getting assistance from a very kind representative named Bridget that truly assisted to finding a resolution. At the end Airbnb sided with the guest (even after guest did not provide evidence) and I felt that they did not protect me or my listing as a Host. The following day I had another incident with another reservation alteration where a guest did not include the pet fee. I called Airbnb to see if they are able to adjust it and send the request. After several hours I get a call from the representative saying they are unable to include the pet fee in the alteration. This had me in schock as I have had this issue previously and had it resolved without any problems. Recently I have been very disappointed with Airbnb as their once very efficient Support team is either lacking training or interest in helping Hosts, but their resolution staff is not prioritizing or protecting their hosts as they advertise to do. I write this as a loyal host who has been with Airbnb for years and want to let them know that they need to improve.

Noelia Natera Ceino
2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



Such a  issue you need to resolve yourself:

"The following day I had another incident with another reservation alteration where a guest did not include the pet fee. I called Airbnb to see if they are able to adjust it and send the request. After several hours I get a call from the representative saying they are unable to include the pet fee in the alteration."


Don't call Airbnb, just charge the guest the pet fee via resolution centre, if changing booking settings does not work.

Hello @Emiel1 ,

I also stated in the post that this issue has occured to me before and have had it resolved without a problem.

I understand there was an alternative solution for this particular issue, but there shouldn't be an issue in the first place. Airbnb applied the pet fee feature to make it easier for the guest to process it in their booking, clarify the extra fee in both host, guest, and corporate financial books, and avoid using the resolution center in the first place. Years ago asked Airbnb to include this pet fee feature due to this reason and I am so glad they have added it. I just believe Airbnb should train more support ambassadors on this new feature to be more equipped to help guests on these accidental mishaps and simply the books. 

I hope this clarifies the reason for why I feel so strongly about this topic.

Noelia Natera Ceino