Is There Life After Losing Superhost Status?

Level 8
Riga, Latvia

Is There Life After Losing Superhost Status?

I never thought I’d be writing this. For the past two years, I proudly held the title of Superhost on Airbnb. Every review, every stay, every little detail I worked on—whether it was setting up a cozy atmosphere, answering questions within minutes, or going the extra mile to make my guests feel at home—was all part of a journey that made me feel like I had truly achieved something special. Being a Superhost wasn’t just a badge for me; it was validation that my hard work was noticed and appreciated.

But this year, from October 1st, 2023 to September 30th, 2024, things didn’t go as smoothly. Despite all the effort, a series of unfortunate events happened—challenging guests, difficult situations, and yes, a few unfair reviews from people who seemed more interested in taking advantage of the platform than in genuinely appreciating the stay. And so, here I am, facing the reality of not being able to hold onto that coveted Superhost status.

I won’t lie—losing that status stings. It’s frustrating when a couple of low ratings from guests who perhaps didn’t understand the full picture can make such a big difference. But after taking some time to process it, I’ve come to a few realizations that have helped me move forward.

First and foremost, hosting isn’t about a badge or title. It’s about the connections you make, the experiences you provide, and the joy that comes from knowing your space has been part of someone’s story. I still love hosting, and nothing changes my commitment to offering the best experience I can to future guests.

In the meantime, I’ve learned a lot. I’m tightening up communication with my guests to ensure expectations are clear, adding even more thoughtful touches to the space, and tweaking the check-in process to avoid any potential hiccups. I’m excited about what’s next, and I’m ready to work even harder to provide that five-star experience that I know I can deliver.

So, is there life after losing Superhost status? Absolutely. It’s a chance to refocus, learn, and come back stronger. And who knows—maybe this journey will lead to becoming a better host than I ever was before.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me along the way. Whether you’ve stayed with me before or you’re considering a future stay, know that you’ll always be met with the same warmth, hospitality, and care that has been at the core of my hosting experience from day one.

Here’s to the next chapter—and to many more unforgettable stays! 🌟Airbnb-Superhost-Requirements.jpg

14 Replies 14
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Community Manager

Hi @Oksana127 😊

I can only imagine how tough it must feel to lose Superhost status after all your hard work.

However your passion for hosting is inspiring!


I’ll mention some experienced Hosts who would love to exchange ideas with you: @Robin4@Marie8425@Dr-Jayanthi1 and @Guy991.


Warm regards🌻,




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Good day @Elisa 

Hey @Oksana127 , I hear you through the feel, I am sitting with fingers crossed for this years "super host" status update. It could be out anytime.

My heart misses a beat (very similar to the days when the results board published grades during my undergrad study).

I understand how much the badge means to hosts. I had to work on it twice. The first time when a guest had tricked me on my house rules and I had to cancel his reservation - without being aware that it hits my superhost status. I worked and built it fine in the next quarter. The next one was even more devastating, a guest stayed with us over a week, he had no complaints during the stay, spoke to me a couple of times and texted me on imessages etc, but the review was a heartbreaking 2 star😭. I never knew that we could take it up with customer support. I had to work for two full years to regain the coveted "superhost badge".

It was tough, demotivating, challenging. Guests tend to follow herd and pick reviews that precede their stays- however i had to keep calm and work with my listing, improve amenities, review cleanliness protocols and communicate effectively with guests. I am happy that sincerity is often acknowledged and rewarded as well. I had my scores improve. Yet I long for the perfect number 5/5 - I am determined to work until I make it. 

I do feel let down when I have an occasional 4/5 on cleanliness, value and location ( I usually do well with the others). I have taken up personal inspection of cleaning schedules and try to leave the house inviting for my guests, first impression counts a ton. I try to interact with guests and understand any specific needs and add a few items to bring in a warm welcome - eg, add some milk, coffee, tea, vegetables, sweets etc for guests who travel long or return from office after a long day. For the location criteria, I try to have clear instructions on routes, land marks, guide them to parking, be there in person to welcome elderly guests and make them comfortable with my key code etc.,

Every stay is unique and the requirements are different.  Many a times I am lucky to read my guests and help them, but agree there are unique incidents as well. May be they had a tough day at work, may be their travel was rough, may be they were super busy during the stay that my hospitality attempts did not reach their hearts, may be the visit wasn't eventful, may be they are hurrying back on an emergency.

There can be many different or difficult stories that are untold to us as hosts but gets reflected in our review. I only assume that Airbnb veiws through their review system in depth before they get to brand hosts favourably or unfavourably. Scores are important and obvious for improvement (I have been teaching for two decades) however scores do not benchmark "overall development/ success'.

There's energy, empathy and enthusiasm still left with passionate hosts like you @Oksana127 , keep doing the great work, enjoy every moment. I am sure we will celebrate the day when you regain your superhost badge - I am super confident that it'll happen soon. 

Best wishes and Happy hosting!🤗


your information is very helpful @Dr-Jayanthi1 


Happy that I can contribute small to the community here. Thank you for the encouragement @Noha34 .Happy Hosting 😍

@Dr-Jayanthi1 I can share with you that my listing receives no fewer bookings when I am not a Superhost than when I am a Superhost. No difference whatsoever. Do not worry about it.

That's Awesome @Bay1. I agree. But when there is a ladder to climb (the 5 🌟) and a goal (5/5) set - it's more a drive than anything else. Personal commitment, passion, professional path does take you through the standards, quality, sustenance and comfort of operation but the goal to reach is rewarding as well. Guest's choose a stay on various parameters, amenities, location, privacy, pricing AND the coveted 5🌟 rating. Let's be there all the time doing our best and obviously the 5🌟 is glowing there. Happy hosting 😍.

Thank you @Elisa this is a fun and meaningful thread to catch up.


Top Contributor
Malmö, Sweden

Hi @Oksana127 


I completely understand how disappointing it must feel to lose Superhost status this October, especially after all the effort you’ve put in.


Your openness in sharing this experience is admirable — not something many hosts do, and it shows your dedication and integrity.


I have two perspectives on this. First, I can share with you how life is BEFORE becoming a Superhost.

I’ve only had my listing up since spring, and with just 8 guests and fewer than 100 nights rented, I don’t meet that part of the Superhost criteria. Instead, I’ve focused on ranking as a Guest Favorite, moving from the top 10% to now being in the top 5%.




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The nice thing about the Guest Favorite badge is that it remains available as a filter on Airbnb, especially since you can no longer filter for Superhost. This way, I don’t risk my listing being excluded because I’m not a Superhost. Also, it follows the listing rather than the host, meaning you can still excel with individual listings while you work toward the 4.8 average again.


In my experience, listings can rank very high on Airbnb even without Superhost status. Right now, my page-one visibility is at 64 %, and I’m quite happy with that.


Second, I believe acknowledging reviews is essential, even when they seem unfair. If bad reviews are dismissed too quickly, important opportunities for improvement may be overlooked. For example, if cleaning has been a recurring issue in a few listings and is impacting the overall Superhost score for otherwise well-managed properties, that’s an area you can directly address and improve. However, I’m sure this is already obvious to you.

Your commitment to learning from this and continuing to provide a great guest experience is really inspiring. I’m sure you’ll bounce back even stronger.


Best regards,


@Oksana127. Hi Oksana, I agree (although I have never been a slave to labels). As I have posted in Host Circle recently, I lost my SH after two years for the Q Jul-Sept 2024 solely due to lack of rolling bookings when I snoozed listings last year for some longer term bookings I had to do via lease  (so outside Airbnb). One listing came back in July and clearly the lack of SH badge meant nothing to bookers. I rank well now as it is a cheaper listing, plus I am told I am a thoughtful host. I will regain SH this Q.


Guest Favourite seems to be working well, similar to @Karen4131 . I like many of the SH criterias as a guide, but at the end of the day do what works best for you.

Level 7
Aguada, Puerto Rico

@Oksana127 "A few unfair reviews from people who seemed more interested in taking advantage of the platform than in genuinely appreciating the stay." Bad guests' gaming, your superhost status, and Airbnb reviews are now sports for bad actors. It's a matter of when, not if, all superhosts will lose their badges. I would focus on your revenue scores, not your superhost status. Nobody cares, and it has no economic value. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Oksana127 😊

Did you have a chance to check the comments? I’m glad to see you received so many great ones! 😍 What do you think about this topic now? I’d love to hear your thoughts!


Thank you, everybody, for sharing your experiences!

@Karen4131@Frances3408 , @Howard103 and @Dr-Jayanthi1 


Warm regards🌻,


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Hi everyone,

I’m so grateful for all the support and thoughtful responses from this amazing community! 🙏 It’s truly heartwarming to see how much empathy and shared experience is here. I’ve taken the time to reflect on all your insights and want to share my thoughts.

First of all, a huge thank you to everyone who commented—@Dr-Jayanthi1, @Karen4131, @Frances3408, and @Howard103. Your words made me feel less alone in this situation and more empowered to move forward with optimism and renewed motivation.

@Dr-Jayanthi1, your comment resonated with me on such a deep level. I can relate to the heartbreak of receiving that unexpected, low rating when everything seemed fine. Your determination to improve and your thoughtful approach to welcoming guests, like adding personal touches for those who had a long day, is truly inspiring. It’s a reminder that small gestures can make a big difference, and I’ll definitely be incorporating some of your ideas into my hosting.

I also want to say a special thank you to @Karen4131. I appreciate your perspective on the value of the Guest Favorite badge and how we can still succeed without relying solely on Superhost status. It’s so encouraging to hear about your experience, and I love the proactive approach you take in addressing reviews as opportunities for improvement. I completely agree that acknowledging reviews, even the unfair ones, is key to growth.

@Frances3408, thank you for reminding me that labels aren’t everything. Your story about snoozing listings and still thriving despite losing SH status proves that great hosting is about more than a badge—it’s about the experience we create for our guests. It’s also great to hear that the Guest Favorite badge is working well for you.

@Howard103, I completely understand your point about focusing on revenue rather than the Superhost badge. While the status is a nice recognition, I agree that it’s ultimately our guests’ experiences and the revenue that matter most. Your perspective helped me refocus on what’s really important—providing value and great stays, not just chasing a title.

After reading all of your insights, I feel much more at peace with the situation. I’m determined to continue improving my listing, adding thoughtful touches, and ensuring my guests feel welcome. Losing the Superhost status isn’t the end—it’s just a new chapter in my hosting journey, and I’m excited to see what’s next.

Thank you all again for your kind words and support. Let’s keep doing our best as hosts, and who knows—maybe we’ll all be celebrating our achievements together soon!

Best regards,


Level 3
Peterborough, Canada

@Oksana127 Very true that superhost is what many would like to have/keep, but here’s something to keep in mind. Looking from the guest perspective, when I’ve looked to book a place, yes, super host is nice, but I always look at people’s reviews. If there are 1 or 2 out of many reviews, I chalk it down to difficult guests that will always find something wrong. If it’s a recurring theme from numerous guests, that’s a different story. Don’t stress, you can always gain that status back again!

Level 2
New Haven, CT

@Oksana127 I don’t know what you get with the badge or title, but for me as long I get booked, I am fine with it. And yes, I like to see a  5 ️ rating, and I make sure my place goes beyond expectations. But there are always those guests that won’t respect your house rules, and won’t care to give you a review.