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Welcome to the Community Center! I'm @Elisa , one of the Community Managers for our English Community Cent...
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Hello All,
Hope you are well.
Just been notified that those "kindness cards" airbnb proposed to be sent out several months ago, have been/are being sent out.
If you do not want any part in the receipt of donations from previous guests, you need opt out now.
Yadira 🙂
Quite correct, my mistake.
The first of her two messages does exist and the email was from a host (not Airbnb) asking for money and it sparked quite an uproar. That host, offered that any money paid could be offset in some future stay, should she wish to avail the use of the hosts listing in the future - if the host still existed, due to the great losses imposed. Her second message is deleted explaining her plight. In the same situation, any guest receiving such an invitation to send a 'kindness card' from Airbnb with associated donation option would have the same reaction I expect - and not even the opportunity of an exchange for accommodation in the future. And not to save the livelihood of a host. Just a donation.
Even with this direct email from the host @Trace386 was pretty pi$$ed off.
@Ian-And-Anne-Marie0 I received two cards 🙂 it’s kinda cute. One from a lady I didn’t give the best of reviews to and one from a guy I didn’t get a chance to meet and gave me a 4*. We all knew it was coming and it’s not really something that upsets me. Ya it’s weird to ask for money and honestly I don’t think any guests will send it. However, it does plant the seed of empathy toward hosts and that’s a positive!
@Ian-And-Anne-Marie0 I don't understand why you conclude that (a) guests who canceled will be solicited, and (b) Airbnb will still ask for money on behalf of hosts who opted out. Have I missed some evidence for either of these assertions?
On the previous thread the Mods were continually pressed for the - different - templates to be sent to guests about the kindness cards for hosts who were opted-in for payment and opted-out. Only one template was disclosed and that was the template requiring contribution. No other option was provided.
In the payments tab in your dashboard under Guest Contributions, you get an option "You can choose to automatically allow or decline future contributions from guests." That is your personal option of receiving contributions, not the prevention of your guests making a contribution.
That was why we were adamant that some opt-out was required so that hosts who wanted to have their identities and details excluded from the mailing could do so without it being presented to guests. Only that way, did you know they would not be fooled into contributing and into thinking you would be accepting their contribution.
Maybe, but I don't think that leap was premature after just reading that post by @Helen350 - being opted OUT, but still part of that single template system. But you know, if Helen did receive any payment - she'd never know. She might ask if the option was provided to her guest and know for sure? Did her guest get an option to "make a contribution" and if so - where was it going?
@Ian-And-Anne-Marie0 Yes @Helen350 if you ask please do update us. I opted out and have not received any card, but if I do I will ask.
The whole "kindness card" process from receiving the email went like this:
Email Invitation
Connection and Contribution requestt
Recent Hosts
Choose your card
Add your message opt 1
Add your message opt 2
Send Payment Contribution
"Many guests have asked for a way to send support to their favourite hosts....." - I doubt this is true!
@Ian-And-Anne-Marie0 I asked Airbnb specifically when they first came up with this cringe-worthy feature if guests would be notified that specific hosts opted out of contributions. The CS rep assured me they would and that no donations would go into Airbnb coffers. I will find the message exchange and post it within the next day or two.
Toe-curlingly poor taste. But thanks for the listening session. Wasted words.
I've received a kindness card from one of my guests who is now living here in NZ as she migrated to NZ on her own, English is her second language, with her husband due to have arrived a month later. She arrived on a flight the day after our first reported cases of Covid from a region that many people are impacted.
It's reminded me I need to touch base with her for a catch up.
Personally I think it's nice to receive a card however prefer traditional ones through traditional post so I can put it on display however some not very bright spark stopped our basic right to buy stamps at the Post Office during lockdown so that put an end to that option, didn't it?
The artworks on them have room for improvement compared to traditional paper cards which tended to have well thought out creativity.
It's a variation of sending & receiving an ordinary card in my eyes, without the aforementioned.
On March 31st Brian Chesky announced a 'rescue package' for all hosts after he overruled their cancellation policies:
The 4 pillars of his rescue package that were supposed to save us all from the poorhouse were..
1. The $250 million relief fund.
2. The Superhost Fund.
3. Financial contributions from guests to hosts
4. Airbnb asking for Govt bailouts for US hosts
In his video presentation he stated "The third thing we're going to do, is we're gonna make it easier for guests to send financial support directly to you"
This kindness card thing has nothing to do with "kindness" it is just a pig dressed up as a puppy.
This is a designer way to ask guests to give hosts money.
Don't believe me? Ask Brian. He's already told you....
I don't want my name put to this cash grab, it's deliberate and immoral. The reason no other template could be shown previously for those 'opt out' hosts wanting no donation receipts - is because there isn't one.
When the Airbnb programming cannot even prevent double booking on its own platform by checking whether a guest has another booking already for the same days in process - it most definitely will not query whether the intended host recipient of a donation has checked a box "opt-out of donations". Instead - donations will be utilised elsewhere.
That "send card" only option, without the donation option does not exist, and those donations will be happening - regardless. "Glitches" allowing.
@Helen427 @Yadira22 @Gordon0 @Helen350 @Katrina79 @Lisa723
@Ian-And-Anne-Marie0 This is your assumption. If/when you have some direct evidence please do let us know.
Brian has already told you he was going to do this. He has done it. What else do you need?