My rules do already include no luggage storage. The guest I mentioned above was firmly told NO. He took this to mean that if he asked again and again that I would eventually say yes. When I didn't, he cancelled last minute. My point was not about guests obeying house rules, it was about last minute cancellations and why I switched to a Strict policy.
But you are right, it's very important to ensure that guests read and agree to house rules before they book. For me, it's literally the most important thing. I have an 'Easter egg' question in my rules that guests must answer before I'll accept their booking and there are also some key points they need to confirm in writing that they understand. I simply won't accept the booking otherwise. I don't care too much about acceptance rate except that it affects my position in the search results, which is especially important now with this Summer Release fiasco, but I'd rather have no booking than a guest who is not going to follow my rules or complain about them afterwards.
I've never had problems with more people showing up than are on the booking, people throwing parties, bringing pets etc. or similar such stuff as I'm a live in host so they can't just sneak in extra people. They don't even try to lie about it. I stick to my maximum capacity, I stick to my extra person fee, I stick to no visitors without permission, no pets, no children.
Where I have had problems recently is always when I get a bit relaxed about the confirming of the house rules thing. One guest ignored this question and went ahead and instant booked. I chased her and she sent the answer to the Easter egg. At this point I was uneasy hosting her (guest who asks you lots of questions but ignores the questions you ask them = red flag), but I had used up my penalty free IB cancellations and she had good reviews, so I let it pass. Error. She was a pain in the backside and left me low ratings.
The other one request booked but didn't respond to the question about house rules or anything else, so I declined. He then got back to me apologising and saying he didn't realise his notifications were turned off (happens a lot with guests) and answered my questions, so I accepted. Error. He was a miserable, socially awkward guest who didn't complain about anything while here, then left me low ratings for things already mentioned on the listing.
I already turned off IB after the girl mentioned above and now plan to be even more vigilant. Guests need to either answer the Easter egg when they message me, or the very first time I ask for it. Otherwise, they don't get to stay with me. Guests often miss the info the first time and can turn out to be lovely. Guests who ignore the information when you keep repeating it are exactly what you mention, "only thinking about themselves" but perhaps to a greater extent than most, i.e. they are entitled. They don't think the rules apply to them. They don't care if something was mentioned on the listing and they agreed to it, they will still complain. I've had enough of those types.