Hello to the Airbnb community! For the last two weeks we hav...
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Hello to the Airbnb community! For the last two weeks we have noticed a lot of inquiries regarding internet speed. The guests...
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I had a cancellation after the guest checked in and saw my husband and kids playing in the yard. The listing clearly states it is on the same property as our home, and the outdoor space is shared. (It is on a 28 acre farm) She admitted, “I know you said the outdoor space is shared, but this is too much!” I was dumbfounded, as I’ve never had a cancellation after check-in, and never had a guest march up to my husband, yelling at him for a refund. When I talked to the guest myself, I told her I wasn’t sure if Airbnb would allow her a full refund after check in, I honestly didn’t know if they keep the fees, or what. She said, “Ohhhhhh yes they do! I’ve done this before” and that, my fellow hosts, is why I feel compelled to leave a “last minute review.” She had all perfect reviews, I didn’t see it coming, but she’s clearly done this more than once. I was shocked, and hurt, to be honest. I asked Airbnb to give her a full refund, so I believe I’ve done my duty to her.
All that to say, does anyone know how to get it down to almost the minute? The first email asking me to review was sent at 5:40pm my time. I only received one email, and usually I receive many. The time will be up sometime today, and it no longer says how much time is left, but does still give me the option to review.
Thanks for your help. Just a host trying to look out for other hosts.
@Kaitlin50 What a terrible experience. I appreciate it when a host calls a guest out on behavior like that, especially when it's clearly something they've done before.
You have 14 days after checkout, and I believe the timer starts at your listed checkout time. So if it's 11 am, you have until 10:59 am on the 14th day.
@Ann72 thank you for your reply. Do you know if it’s still the check out time, even if the guest cancels after check in?
@Kaitlin50 When it gets down to hours left, there is actually a timer that tells you how much time you have left, to the minute, if you cared to leave it that long. I discovered this by chance one day and tested it to see how ‘low it would go’. I left a review with two minutes left! Go to your inbox and select the conversation with the guest in question. On the right hand side of the screen is where you’ll see the timer, under ‘leave a review’.
@Colleen253 I can’t see a timer.. did Airbnb recently remove this feature, or is there something wrong with my app?
Possibly, it doesn’t appear in the app, only from desktop. The app is more limited in features. @Kaitlin50.
Boa noite, deve ser problema no seu aplicativo, pois comigo aconteceu algo parecido. E pior, fiquei sem visualizar preços.E tudo fechado Fiquei as cegas. Boa sorte. grata,
It ended up being posted to the guest’s profile at the time the email was sent, 5:40pm; just in case anyone else is in the predicament. Not sure if it’s this way for every review, or just “after check in” cancellations.
I always wonder if a review gets posted on a guest’s profile even if they don’t post on a host’s profile.
Hosts and guests have 14 days to write a review. Irregardless of whether or not both write a review, the reviews submitted are posted on the 14th day.
Creio que se o anfitrião fez a avaliação e postou, ela irá para o perfil do convidado, mesmo que não faça a avaliação do anfitrião. Quatorze dias é tempo que esperam. Não consigo entender, um convidado que é tratado com todo carinho, desfrutar do nosso lar e nosso trabalho, e o mínimo, que é uma avaliação, não fazem. o mesmo acontece quando o convidado faz a avaliação e o anfitrião não. O site pede todo dia a avaliação. Boa sorte a todos. Venceremos mais um ano de batalha.
The guest wrote me a nasty message, complained about the review, and Airbnb removed it. My review did not violate the policy. I thought it was hard to get reviews removed. I guess not if you’re the guest. No wonder she had perfect reviews. Airbnb’s lack of support for hosts is very disheartening.
Oh no, @Kaitlin50 ! Thanks for the end of the story, but what a disheartening outcome.
Não podemos desanimar, Amamos o que fazemos e tudo que tem amor, tem luta. Muitos mal amados. É triste quando isto acontece . Damos o melhor de nós. Vamos aprendendo e nos tornando mais sábias. Pena que não podemos ver os perfis antes das reservas serem feitas, e muitos perfis não são verdadeiros. O pior é quando você é destratado por um anfitrião que se convida para seu espaço. Boa sorte a todos nós