Life in relation to natural habitation

Level 10
Bali, Indonesia

Life in relation to natural habitation

Since Corona virus blow up in Wuhan lock down and 6 other country was infected with Covid-19 on the 8th day, I undergo an agriculture possible business of growing and breeding tropical fish..


I realise some thing today..

a slow day - woke up, cook, eat and run .. and went to my pond where my fish is being grown.. 


the baby fishes was big enough to be put in a bigger pond.. three pond has finish the set up for a teenager like fish for the next three months to reach maturity


so I move them .. then start to realise they were suffocating.. there were not enough CO2 .. when they were babies, I gave to much CO2 they are use to the condition of high level of CO2.. most fish are find in the pond... the diameter and the amount of fish was ok.. they were still strong..


it has the same behaviour as the capture fish from the wild.. the extreme change of condition made this behaviour..


is like what I'm going through .. 


how ever the death rate of a single fish, going through this condition is almost 100%.. but in a group usually is up to 10% give or take.. or 0% if I can help it.. some times an alone fish have a higher death rate than that is surrounded by many fish..


every body is suffocating through this pandemic.. some people who is alone might kill them self... but human is also strong together.. the extreme change has made people suffers and get a bit crazy.. 


it might even intimidate a give up in hope.. or Life..


but the solution should not be called social distancing.. but physical distancing because what ever happen.. we are are naturally social.. and socially we survive better with others than in distance..


 the virus has help to make social barrier such as discrimination and stereo typing become much more powerful cause it is inserted as a solution toward our common enemy.. The virus make us blame others by physical appearance stereo typing, like.. the Chinese, The Japanesse, The foreigner.. the disrespectful white people, etc


In this time .. our greatest treasure is with in others.. cherish it before it is time out..


others will help us survive this pandemic.. if you care about your self and other keep them safe, as you keep your self safe by physical distancing and personally protecting our own respiratory system access point in the body , not through social detachment..


Social detachment and ignorant, will bring more damage than it already has.. 


how do you relate your reality with nature?


humbly sharing a piece of mind



with every sunset a day has end


with every sunrise another day just begun


life might not happen like we want it to be


but while we are alive.. "Let's Dance with the rhythm" 


and smile..


Sincerely, -MANASUI-

Jeffrey Bong
1 Reply 1
Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand


We have rain drops here in Auckland, New Zealand today.

Every droplet of rain helps to nourish the earth, plant, animal, and human life.


May we in the world take time out to focus on these droplets that help to heal the world.


Nice photo of your place.


Take care