Listing Removal

Listing Removal

Airbnb is removing our listing without throughly communicating with us. Their "specialized team" asked for documents and information that we gladly provided and they still denied our appeals. The denials were sent within an hour, from what seemed like a general response, no name attached, no explanation as to why. A few weeks and 100 Ambassadors/chats about our case later, we got IN WRITING that we could keep our reservations and create a new listing after the initial was removed. Not the outcome we wanted, but ok, we'll take it at this point. Come March 1st, their system cancelled all of our reservations and they told us we are out of luck, that the information provided to us was incorrect. Still stated that we could create the new listing. Fast forward to now, the Ambassador I spoke with this morning said we could not create a new listing, etc. This whole experience has been incredibly frustrating and we know we are just getting a call center that follows a protocol, but does anyone have suggestions to legal recourse? Formal legal complaints? Filing a lawsuit? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Very difficult to advise as you haven't provided any background at all as to why Airbnb want to remove your listings @Michael9699 

@Michael9699. Hi Michael, are you confident your STR license is all in order? I found this link which has some info I hope might help:


Removal of listings often happens due to guest or neighbour complaints, low host ratings and lastly duplicate listings.


If its none of these then please copy extracts from support here as to their reasons.