Listings snoozed

Level 2
Goa, India

Listings snoozed



I host 5 properties in Goa, India and am a qualified super host. Last night at 3:42am IST, all my listings were de-listed (snoozed) without any intimation provided.

I have been trying to get in touch with AirBnB support team regarding this since 10:30am IST and have not got a satisfactory response or resolution.


I am worried since I have the properties booked all through this month and the next. I am more than willing to host the guests but what if I don't receive my payout since the listings are not active.


Looking for any help possible




7 Replies 7
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Did they tell you why they snoozed your listings? @CasaFlip0 


Did you have any issues/problems with recent guests that could have resulted in them making a safety complaint?


I see you have a negative review from a guest this month - could it be related to that? 



They haven't told me why snoozed all my listings at the same time. 

I did face a problem with one of the recent guests. They completely ruined the house and violated house rules. I even spoke to the support team and gave proof of violations before asking the guests to vacate the premises.The negative review is from the same guest. 

The support ambassador ensured since this was an escalated matter, they will not even publish a review from this guest. However, ive been trying to get in touch with the support team since morning but no results

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@CasaFlip0 If they are snoozed then just re-activate them. If Airbnb have temporarily suspended you then call them urgently and try to find out why. Good luck

@Mike-And-Jane0 when I do try to reactivate the listings, it asks me to contact support but the support team has no answers.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Sounds like it's to do with your recent guests - try them on social media and get on the phone and insist on a reply @CasaFlip0 

My listings were snoozed at 3:45 am IST and this review was posted at 5:15pm IST so I don't understand how that would have been the reason.

I have been trying to connect with them. Even posted on twitter but all they say is we will get back to you. 


@CasaFlip0  It has nothing to do with the review-Airbnb doesn't sit there and read reviews, if it had to do with this particular guest, it would have been that the guest contacted Airbnb and made claims about the property, like it being unsafe or something.