Long term rental question

Level 1
Lewisburg, WV

Long term rental question

I am in the midst of hosting my first long term stay. This group reserved and paid for a 1 month stay. They are about 2 weeks into the stay. The purpose of their stay is to do some work in our area.  The renter messaged me this morning to inform me that they are going to be leaving due to some bad weather in our forecast.  He is asking how to go about cancelling the remainder of their stay.  Am I expected to refund the rest of the money for the unused time?  I am not sure of my obligation.  I feel that since the property has been blocked off, I can’t reasonably expect to find new renters at this point.  Thanks for any advice!!


1 Reply 1
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Shannon366  There are cancellation policies for a reason. Guests should expect to abide by the cancellation policy they agreed to when they booked.


No reason whatsoever to refund. If you want, you could tell them that if you manage to rebook some of the days they've cancelled, you'll refund them for those days, which is really the best they can reasonably expect.