Long term stay requests

Level 1
Edmonton, Canada

Long term stay requests

Hey everyone!


My Airbnb is a guest room in my home in which I reside. I recently had a man request to stay for 4 months without any messages, new to Airbnb and no reviews. I kindly thanked him for his inquiry, and asked what was bringing him to my city for that length of time. He replied: investigating the market. That’s all. I decided it didn’t feel good so I declined. I recently just had another request from a female, Carla who is requesting a similar span of days, for 4 months. 1 review but has been a part of Airbnb since 2017. She asked to store some bicycles somewhere and if she can cook daily. Is this something that would concern anyone, or does this seem suspicious  or does this seem safe? 

Thank you for your help! 

1 Reply 1

@Amber660   When a listing goes live, there's a brief period where it gets an artificial boost in the search results and attracts a lot of extra views. If you're being strategic about it, you set a low maximum length of stay and beef up your reviews with as many short bookings as you can. As an in-home host, that max length of stay should reflect the longest you can tolerate living with someone in your own home who you (or your dogs) absolutely can't stand. 


When you decided to list on Airbnb, presumably it wasn't because you wanted a long-term housemate who was commandeering your storage space and taking over your kitchen every day. Surely if you wanted to live with someone full-time, you would either choose someone you already know or interview and vet candidates carefully, in person, instead of taking in random people from the internet who don't even pay a deposit (FYI, deposits don't exist on AIrbnb and the "ID verification" is largely fictional as well). If I'm correct about this, and you prefer short stay guests who are out and about exploring Calgary instead of getting all up in your business every day, you need to change your calendar settings immediately and set a maximum stay. And a minimum, too, if the whole cleaning process seems like a bit much for just 1 night's worth of income.


If what you really want is a long-term roommate in your intimate home and work space, you might ask yourself if Airbnb is really the best venue for that.