Looking for House Sitting Opportunities

Level 1
Atlanta, GA

Looking for House Sitting Opportunities



I am willing to be a house sitter and would love to discuss any potential opportunities. I love caring for a home and don't mind doing any minor duties, including caring for pets. I was raised in a home that requires housework, caring for plants, and a dog. I recently lost my pup, whom we had for 13 years.


I recently finished up my Ph.D. in neuroscience at UNC-Chapel Hill, and I now work from home. I am excited about traveling the country/world to have new experiences and learn all that I can about energetics and quantum physics.


I know that we are in unprecedented times, and travels to second homes might not be possible. I am an extremely hard worker and considerate being who prefers to do things in the satisfaction of my most. Hiring me as your house sitter will be a relief for you and a blessing for me, as I will care for your home with quality and kindness always.

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Veronica803  There are several online sites for housesitting. Why would you think that Airbnb hosts, who are suffering financially right now because of the pandemic cancellations and few future bookings, would be likely to hire someone to housesit?