Memories from Guests

Top Contributor
Sintra, Portugal

Memories from Guests

Sometimes, when guests check out, they graciously leave something behind as a thank you, so the host will remember them—not just cleaner tips or forgotten phone chargers, but real, meaningful mementos.

In my case, one guest, who was apparently a writer, left me her book with a personal dedication inside. The book was added to the house library, and whenever I host a guest who speaks Spanish, the language of the book, I present it to them.

Another time, a super funny family who drove all the way from France left me a full kit with instructions on how to prepare the perfect mojito, including a bottle of rum and a small mint plant to grow in the garden. We planted it, and since then we’ve called it by the guest’s name.

Please share your experiences! It would be lovely to hear more about the creative and generous ways guests have said thank you beyond words.

3 Replies 3
Level 4
Grüt, Switzerland

@Guy991 Very nice stories! Unfortunately, nothing like it in my case. Usually I get forgotten chargers or a piece of clothes. Or an ice cream in the freezer.
Thanks for opening such a thread, it will be interesting to read later on. 🙂

Level 3
Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

Hi everyone, goo to hear this story but for me nothing so far because I'm still new on the platform but hopefully soon I will drop my testimony.

Level 2
Buenos Aires, Argentina

@Jose-Leonardo5 What wonderful experiences! They haven't happened to me yet, but I hope they do. Personally, I try to make sure that the guest is happy and taken care of. To the best of my ability, because for 23 to 26 USD per night, which are smart prices in the area where I rent, it's difficult to have enough rent left over to take better care of them, give them gifts, or provide them with better services. But I do it to the best of my ability and they leave very happy. Thank you for sharing. The experiences you told me about were very nice.