
Level 10
Chicago, IL


Now that Millennials are 22-40 years old, they make up the bulk of my guests and I am yet to master how adjust my hosting style to their needs.


Messaging style


You cannot just answer the question asked, no matter how simple. It cannot be “where do I park?” Answer “in the garage, instructions are in the welcome message, please look through”. That would be rude. I first must start by appreciating them, followed by appreciating them reaching out. I then must apologize for not making it clear enough that parking is in the garage. If it did not make sense to them, it must have been a very poor architectural decision or I did not do enough to make it clear. I also need to explain how I will make things better in the future so others do not have to go through the same ordeal. I should technically also offer to park the car for them but this is just a gesture and they would of course say no and I must remember how generous they were in doing that.


Reuse and recycle


They would take the time to rip out the plastic window from an envelope to properly recycle it but they would throw a towel in the trash after a smudge of makeup gets on it. It would not even cross their mind that I may try to salvage it.




It is all about them. If something is not how they expect it or to their liking, they will read every word of what I wrote, advocate for themselves and demand what they feel is right. Otherwise, it is my job to make sure they have what they need. They need a door code and it is my job to make sure they have it. They will not read a message I sent them, particularly if it is more than one paragraph.  If I did not make sure they got it, it is on me to be available when they do decide they are ready for it- by phone, in person or whatever other way is convenient for them




I now rarely have to deal with guests who cannot log on to Wi-Fi, cannot figure out the TV or automated door lock. Plunge the toilet? No can do. Manual labor. Hard no.


I hope I did not offend any millennials here with this post. If I did, please get in line behind my millennial guests for your apology. You can use the garage to park while you wait. If you need to use the bathroom, plunger is behind the toilet and please put all used towels on the floor even if you think they are trash.

85 Replies 85

Can I give you five thumbs up on this!

Level 10
Florence, Canada

Love it, @Inna22 . You hit me at just the right moment for it to be hilarious. We're in lockdown again, so no guests this month, but a couple who booked in October just booked again for February. In looking at the message thread to remind me who they were, I saw that they had messaged me late at night during their stay to say they could not find a lighter to start their fire, only matches.

They didn't reply when I asked whether the matches weren't working. I ungenerously pictured them using data while camping to search for a how-to-light-a-match youtube video. 🙂


@Lawrene0 priceless. Were the matches not working. Love it

@Lawrene0  I am *dead* oh my goodness that is hilarious

Jeez, matches are so old school , Lawrene. I mean how do you light them? There's nothing to click or flick.


I saw a hilarious home video where a couple and their 12 year old daughter were staying in a hotel room and the desk phone rang and the dad told his daughter to answer it, as she was standing right next to it. She stood there staring at the phone, completely bamboozled. Dad said "Just pick up the receiver." She still didn't get it- she didn't know what a receiver was. She'd obviously never used anything but a cell phone and a desk phone was as confounding as some high tech contraption would be to many of us.

@Inna22 , @Ann72 


@Lawrene0: Obviously, not a “match” made in heaven! Lol....

@Cathie19 🔥🤣🤣🤣


Level 10
Orono, ME

Ha, your posts are always so funny @Inna22.


Like @Lisa723 I find that the millennials I host are usually always self-sufficient.


But that could be because I'm a millennial hosting millennials. I always go on and on about how much I appreciate them and apologize for everything and anything already. And I tell them they are always right (when I know they aren't.) I spell out the recycling options (for show) but in reality I might not follow through (I will dig through the trash for bottles and cans but cannot be bothered with paper.) And I don't even have plungers in my apartments because who does that?! 😀

@Emilia42  😂😂😂


@Emilia42 too funny, love it!

Level 10
Munnsville, NY

@Inna22 , OMG, I love this thread!!!!!!   I don't want folks to think I DGaD about everyone's feelings but "feelings" actually don't have a place in most organizational, technical, logistical or structural decisions and rarely trump PPP (Piss Poor Planning)  on their part or a lack of empathy after on my part.  I work in a University and My wife and I do the Airbnb thing so my ears are inundated by the words "I Feel" from students and younger PHDs, (I think that's supposed to mean I must listen and agree even if I actually don't have any reason to do either).   Also, using those two words is supposed to minimize the effects of facts, realities and calculations that are beyond dispute, need to be set aside while I earnestly consider "The color of the sky" in this persons world and its effect on my reasoning.  


Work and our small business are important so to exist. persist, survive and even thrive, I have had to learn how not to telegraph my "I really don't give a poo how you feel" look when the "Feeling" they want me to share has nothing to do with any reality in the conversation at hand.  The one I settled on  (modified slightly for civilian use) is one I perfected during 21 years of being employed by the US Army.  First, your not supposed to change your look quickly, just a slow transition to a blank emotionless face while they drone on (they wont notice if you do it slow, they are focused on them not us).  Then a head nod and a Hmmmmmmm, very interesting at a soprano pitch.   Here's how not to do it at a meeting with the Coronel, an English Professor or an Airbnb guest-.



Very Interesting but stupid - YouTube


@Melodie-And-John0 sorry I did not thumb up right away. I was busy practicing my new facial expression, nod and a hmmm. I expect to need to use it often

@Melodie-And-John0 : but how I feel.... is SO subjective, these days, why do you not feel that! Lol






Level 10




What You've described in communicating with your millenial guests is also true for the communication in the Community Center. You have to be very careful and understanding when answering to posts no matter how trivial the original post is, e.g.:


  • Guest booked for 2 but arrives with 4. What do I do?


Well, what You can do is:


  • Check them in, let it slide and maybe get a good review.

  • Refuse entry or request money for the extra guests and get a bad review.


What other options are there? There aren't any.  But if You write this back to the original poster, he or she will be offended.


What they'd like to read is:


  1. I'm so sorry You had this terrible experience

  2. I had the same thing happening to me last week

  3. I feel for You

  4. You have glowing reviews, I think You're an outstanding host

  5. Your place looks fantastic, should I ever be in Your area I would defenitely stay with You


If You forget to incorporate the elements 1 to 5 to an answer to a post, everyone will hate You. If the communication with the original poster continues, You should start calling a femal poster „darling“ and a male poster „mate“. Robin often uses „mate“ and I think it works well for him.



Cc: @Melodie-And-John0 @Ann72 @Emilia42 @Debra300 @Sarah977 @Susan1404 @Helen350 @Lisa723 @Mark116 @Lawrene0





Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

ROFL! 🤣 🤣 🤣