Thanks, we try our best. It is Ian, and its a big wide world out there John. There's a Really Big Platform.. www - we're on there with our own site and currently integrating online bookings, rather than having to schedule BACS payments.
Airbnb and other platform providers exist - and you don't need to exclusively have your listing on one platform. Like many hosts we are already spread around other platforms. We obtain bookings from all the platforms we're on.
The lack of response to my concerns should be of more interest to Airbnb. Other platforms offer better terms for hosts, and it would be to them that I would refer guests and not to Airbnb if booking direct with us was not an available option. There is a massive shift in this direction, it seems.
One guest alone who cancelled directly with us, after being provided a range of options paid more in cancellation fees, quite happily, than we received from Airbnb in 6 "25% payouts". If the incentive was not already there to seek out alternative platforms before this COVID fiasco, it must surely be there now.
The removal of benefits to hosts over the time I've been here, is quite startling. I doubt, well, I know - because I ask, there have been no improvements for hosts, just added ways for us to lose or donate or sacrifice money.