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This is resulting in coordinated efforts to Boycott Airbnb hosts which will end up costing the people who support his sight t...
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I used Airbnb since 2013, it was SHOCKED that Airbnb adjusted a cancellation reservation( on 2016) amount of 1345$ reduced from my July, 2022 other listing income.
Customer supports were trash, they keep telling a lie but unable to provide any clear policy documentation to support this scam " 120% cancellation penalty".
The story is:
This reservation canceled by host end because guests decided to leave after staying on night. Airbnb refunded to guest fully on 2016 already, Host missed one night room fee;
After 6 years, Airbnb reduced this amount of 1345$ from July, 2022 payout which was too tricky;
Customer support told this was penalty applied to newest cancelation policy which will be effected on next month;
This new policy clear indicates max cancelation fee is 50% of reservations;
The reservation was on 2016 which should belongs to 2016 policy, 50-100$ penalty;
In calendaring, Airbnb own me one night room fee and take away total amount, it means Airbnb scam me "120% cancellation fee";
Support teams were awful they rejected of course unable to provide any screen shot or document to support this fraud.
Airbnb just wanted to scam money on Host Side.
I post the article here as no case manager help.
I'm working in Legal firm, now the missing payout action treated as " scam and fraud"!!
If this is a true story, then Airbnb is going downhill rapidly....
Waiting for the book:
"The raise and fall of Airbnb",
"A guide to how to totally destroy a succesful concept"
@Emiel1 @Sybe @Jenny It is true story, as Airbnb users many years, I was extremely shocked.
Check countess conversation with different support agencies below:
**[Private conversation removed in line with the Community Center Guidelines]
Hi @Lily30
Thanks for posting.
Here on the Community Center we're not a formal branch of customer service for Airbnb, so I've passed your post (and those made on another thread) over to Airbnb support with an explanation of what's going on, and I've asked them to review and clarify things with you.
Just a heads up that it's not permitted to share private messages publicly, as per the CC Guidelines, so I've had to edit your post above. Please do have a read to make sure you're up to date on how things work here 😊
Hi Jenny, thank you for replying.
I have not got contacted by support team, much appreciated if you team could help.
@Airbnb @Jenny Missing payout!!! Customer support team awful!!!!
Airbnb scam me the cancelation reservation YNDNW8 on 2016 total amount of 1345$ from my July, 2022 income( email sent payout detail on July 23) without clear cancelation policy to support there over 100% cancelation fee fraud.
The new policy which will be effected on August indicated that max cancelation fee is 50% of reservation amount;
This reservation was on 2016 should belongs to policy on 2016, cancellation fee was 50-100$;
The guest stayed one night but they decide to leave, as a new host on 2016, I canceled it on guest behalf which was a incorrect action bus at least Airbnb should Not own me one night room fee but fully refund to guest;
The support team for host was awful, they keep telling a lie but unable to show any evidence to support the action fine me " more than 100% cancelation fee".
I'm too tired to keep dispute this amount 1345$ back, as they are not willing to help and refer to post to case manager.
Support teams were trash, they non stopping telling this no reason fraud was correct but unable to provide any screen shot or policy concerns, and refuse to refer to case manager, too disappointed!!!!! I decide to leave because they did not support host but taking commission.
Airbnb deducted 120% of reservation on 2016 from my payout July 2022. Support agent was nothing but assumed the cancellation happened on 2016, very shocked.
How AirBNB went into the night? Gradually then suddenly
I was shocked too, it should not have happened by Airbnb......
@Jenny Hi Jenny, I have been waiting Airbnb response regarding this issue, but it has been 3 weeks since I disputed with Airbnb different agents, and all agents were unable to provide me clear policy for 120% cancellation fee of reservation on 6 years ago. just closed the case ticket by their end.
Please help ASAP.
just update after another phone call. It seems they won't transfer your case to supervisor, one senior ambassador reviewed for hours saying "this refund made on 2016 already, the system adjusted this amout was weird" but just ending our conversation because she left airbnb won't update with me.
Its tricky, i have spoken with four ambassadors already, trash @Jenny