Mobile phone app woes

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

Mobile phone app woes

For the past 6 weeks I have not been able to use the Airbnb phone app!

I was instructed to upgrade to the new app, and when I tried, I got a message to say the new Airbnb app was not supported by my phone....brilliant.


How do I solve this problem, because CX sure could not....go out and buy a new phone!


Well, I got my new phone, 'cloned' the old one over to the new one and I am back in business! I have downloaded the current app which seems to work precisely the same as the old app did and all is well in my hosting world.

Just annoyed that Airbnb forced this totally unwarranted intrusion into my hosting business on me. It's okay for me in that 600 bucks here or there doesn't play a big part in my life but, for some struggling hosts, having to go out and buy a new high spec phone on Airbnb's whim is not a viable option. 

Someone in R & D wants a kick in the ar*e over this one.....seriously!


Two days and I am off to the east for two weeks of family celebrations.....yeah!!! The grandies are counting the sleeps till we get there.....and so are we! I am so thankful that there are no travel restrictions here and we can make plans with a high degree of confidence we will be able to proceed with them! 

Ade is flying over and I am driving over.......thank God! I won't be continually told how fast to drive.....what lane I should drive in......when I can pass that heavy transport ahead! I just blissfully sit back, take in the scenery and do what I have to do! I would far rather do a road trip with Betts the dog than travel with Ade!

So, you will be spared my ramblings for a couple of weeks!




1 Reply 1
Level 10
New York, NY

@Robin4  Super annoying!!!  There is a lot going on behind the scenes to get ready for the May 24th announcement.  I didn't realize that forcing hosts to "upgrade their technology" was part of it.  So rude.


But with your fancy new phone, can't you drop in for a chat now and again?  We will miss you!