Mould, puddles, rubbish, low water pressure, heater noises... a 5-star accommodation!

Level 2
Barcelona, Spain

Mould, puddles, rubbish, low water pressure, heater noises... a 5-star accommodation!

Today is day 13 of my 46-days stay in a 2-bedroom apartment in Dublin. 50% paid, and 50% pending.


3 days before arrival (no free modifications allowed), the host informs us of a problem with the bathtub, which has to be replaced. That's fine.


Our first weekend is quite uncomfortable and noisy, with the handyman replacing the bathtub for 2 days. No biggie! 🙂


The handyman confirms there are other problems though (low water pressure and defective water heater) and that somebody else will come soon.


Nobody calls, and nobody comes.


But things get worse: the floor in bedroom #1 has mould. The walls too. Several types of mould. There are also puddles on the floor (puddles of water, yes!). And the stink is outrageous.


After waking up with sore throat 3 days in a row, I'm forced to go sleep on the couch.


No more sore throat, needless to say. But bedroom #1 is definitely toxic and can't be used.


In addition, the low pressure of the hot water makes taking a shower impossible, and terrible noises coming from the defective water heater, at 5 am every 2 or 3 days.


We inform the host immediately but no reply in 4 days. Therefore, we decide to leave earlier and we let the host know.


We're denied a free cancellation (we didn't even want a refund, just to leave without paying anything more).


We already paid 50% of the total amount, and we want to leave only on day 16 of 46. Isn't it fair enough? 50% pay for 30% of stay in such circumstances?


The host's support team kindly refuses any free cancellation. After many calls and chats, Airbnb also denies the cancellation and allows the host to send someone to repair things.


But we're not here to pay rent while the host repairs their property, are we? We're not that stupid.


I'd like to gain some more perspective on the situation, and I'll appreciate any feedback.

11 Replies 11
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Anton4513 

I am sorry your stay was like this.

I hope all your conversations were done via the airbnb app.

If so, you gave enough time for the host to step up.

Now, contact airbnb, escalate it.

I think not paying for the rest of the stay is fair . As I host, I would agree with that. 

Thanks for your reply, Roberta. I hope to solve the problem too.



Level 10
Paris, France

Salut @Anton4513,

I'm sorry to hear about your unpleasant experience.


3 days before arrival (no free modifications allowed), the host informs us of a problem with the bathtub, which has to be replaced. "That's fine "


In fact, that is " not ok ! " the listing is Inaccurate.

You shouldn't agree to move into a place to stay which is imperfect.


You should request the host make the cancellation on his side immediately, or else contact via Airbnb to resolve the issue, get back your money and find another place.


As you accepted.

The host has warned you that the bathtub needs to be replaced and the workers will be work in the home.


When you realize the situation getting worst, decided to move out early.

You may charge the days you have stayed or payment non-refundable, cause you accepted to move in since the beginning.


I'll suggest you communicate with the host, kindly to refund you the days which you not stay. Or contact your travel insurance to look into the case.

As I'm the host, I'll agree with you too.


Are you an Airbnb new user?


Hope you can solve it's out with the host.





Hi Dale, thanks for your message!


Sadly, we already tried communicating with the host, unsuccessfully. They just told us that we must cancel  via the Airbnb tool and policies.


We contacted Airbnb (actually, my friend is with them at the phone at this very moment for the third time) and it's like starting all over again.


Therefore, we're still expected to pay for the majority of the remains of the original reservation, even though we have reasons enough to cancel and leave.


Your message makes me trust that still can be a friendly solution, I hope the host will help us find it after another try.





Airbnb European office is at Hanover Quay in Dublin.


Swing by the big office and ask to see the boss.

Might bring a swift conclusion to your dilemma.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Call Airbnb I would ask for a discount for the days you stayed as the bedroom is inhabitable and a full refund for the rest of the stay @Anton4513 


What were previous reviews of the property like.??



Level 10
Bergen, Norway


Honestly, it does not sound like the apartment is even habitable and I sincerely doubt it would pass inspection. Have you documented it all with photos ? If not, do so now and contact airbnb via direct message on Twitter @airbnb help. Tell the truth, explain all the issues, document the facts and ask for a refund for the nights not spent so that you can find somewhere else. 

Good luck.

Level 7
Chemainus, Canada

Sounds like a horrid experience. Cancel your visa right away and get a new visa with new number. This way the other charge can’t be collected is my thought. 

you should get a full refund due to the danger you were in and inconvenience. It is unfortunate for the owner but that is what needs to be done. 

Level 2
Barcelona, Spain


Finally, we could successfully address the problem with Airbnb, and got a fair refund. I shared this post with the (real) host, just so they're aware.

This has been my first Airbnb experience. There'll be many more.


But never, never again, if there's a third-party company acting as "support team".

@Anton4513  Yes there are many reports of bad conditions or service with these big property management company listings. Best to stick to places run by 'real' hosts or co-hosts who have a vested interest in making sure their guests are comfortable and can take poor reviews very personally.


And do make sure you leave a public review to warn other guests.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Anton4513 Good to hear this is now sorted and thank you for letting us all know the outcome. So many times we are all left wondering what happened next.

I fully agree with your views on hosts with many listings. They often don't have the same dedication as a host with 1 or 2 properties (3 is OK as well by the way)